Process rpm using CPU

After last weeks “big” update, the process rpm has started to use allot of CPU.
I try to kill it, but it just restart.

I tought rpm is a manual executed command. So how do i get rid of it?

But can anyone explain this:
:~>ps -aux | grep rpm
:~>root 23553 105 0.4 44416 18420 ? RN 13:59 0:00 rpm -e kernel-default-4.17.14-1.2.x86

Does it try to remove an old Kernel?

Tubleweed 20181009
Kernel: 4.18.12-1-default

Ok, i think i found the problem.

It seems that there was some problem in purging old kernels. I don’t use Virtualbox on this computer, but it is installed. I had several times uninstall Virtualbox, but after some updates it back again. I now uninstall Virtualbox AGAIN and its kernel and now the rpm-process is gone.

Also the service purge-kernels.service is now not running. Seems to be completed.

Now im happy again :slight_smile:

Yes, you were probably seeing the purge-kernels service in action.

Whenever there’s a kernel update (which is often for Tumbleweed), the purge-kernels will activate on the next boot, and it will run “rpm” commands to remove older kernels. That can take a while, and some CPU cycles. It removes the old kernel, and related kernel-devel, kernel-source, etc.