I’m having issues getting VLC to work again (openSuSE 11.2 GNOME). It used to work fine, but I think I broke its ability to use Qt when I was attempting to upgrade it and install some dev tools for something I wanted to try. When I run VLC, I get these errors:
[0x81b3090] main generic error: no dialogs provider module matched “any”
[0x806f758] skins2 interface error: no suitable dialogs provider found (hint: compile the qt4 plugin, and make sure it is loaded properly)
[0x806f758] skins2 interface: skin: subX author: Martin Poehlmann
From what I can tell, the Qt4 plugin is in the correct location (/usr/lib/vlc/gui/libqt4_plugin.so), so I’m not sure what’s causing it to fail. As far as I can tell, it’s some conflict among Qt packages between existing ones and ones that I tried to upgrade. Is there a way to get a list of all qt packages that come installed by default and their versions so I can attempt to revert back to it?
I have autorefresh disabled because doing a quick lookup with zypper takes too long otherwise, and when I want to update everything I can manually refresh. It’s a preference.
Also, I wasn’t able to run yast in Qt (the whole problem was that Qt was broken on my system), but I think I did manage to fix it. When I attempted to run yast with Qt, I got this error message:
libQtCore.so.4 => not found
libQtCore.so.4 => not found
warning: the qt frontend is installed but does not work
Qt GUI wanted but not found, falling back to ncurses.
This was a more detailed error message than VLC had given me, so I checked to see which package was supposed to contain libQtCore.so.4 (which is libqt4). It was already installed, so I re-installed it, and now both VLC and yast work with Qt.