You do know, 11.3 M6 is a development release? If you want to use the laptop for other than testing, I suggest you download and install the 11.2 release.
This thread has now been moved from the “Laptop” subforum area to the “Pre-Release/Beta” subforum area. The thread is now open again for all (including NNTP users) to post. Thankyou for your patience.
Yes, do understand that 11.3 M6 is a development release. Hoping that it has the latest stuff and therefore higher chance of getting the laptop to work.
Will re-download 11.2 LiveCD as advise and retry.
Re-post the status onto the laptop forum by then.
I think 11.2 is a waste of your time. Your ThinkPad T410 has Intel HD_Graphics. I note this: Intel HD Graphics - ThinkWiki
A very recent Linux distribution with kernel 2.6.33 and Intel Xorg driver 2.10 or newer is recommended.
openSUSE-11.2 has the 2.6.31 and only 2.9.0 of Intel Xorg driver. ie. you WILL have PROBLEMS with 11.2. I would not waste your bandwidth nor time.
Stick with11.3 which has the 2.6.34 and Intel Xorg driver 2.11.
Works with Nouveau git or a recent kernel with this patch respectively. (This fixes the problem, where the driver falsely disabled discrete graphic, which resulted in a black screen.) 2D is supported, while 3D support is under development.
Its possible 11.3’s nouveau has that patch … I don’t know. 11.2 may as you note, work with the proprietary nVidia driver.
You may need to find the 6300 firmware. If you do a search here: for “iwl” you will see firmware for the 6000 series. That may be useful for your 6300.
You probably should post in our wireless section asking for help as I know next to nothing about wireless: Wireless - openSUSE Forums