Problems with ThinkPad T410

Just bought a Thinkpad T410 and tested it with openSUSE 11.3 M6 running KDE4 LiveCD

To benefit those thinking of getting a T410

  • wireless (Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300) works with WPA2
  • brightness button works
  • volume and mute button works
  • touchpad can control mouse movements only
  • thinklight working

Things that I can’t get it to work and needs help

  • cannot tap on touchpad and use it as mouseclicks
  • cannot off bluetooth (either off or on both wifi & blue together)
  • cannot get it to sleep when closing the laptop lid
  • and others :frowning:

Hope to get the above “problems” working so I can install openSUSE 11.3

Thanks in advance for any advise.

You do know, 11.3 M6 is a development release? If you want to use the laptop for other than testing, I suggest you download and install the 11.2 release.

I am going to… move it to our Pre-Release/Beta sub-forum area.

This thread has now been moved from the “Laptop” subforum area to the “Pre-Release/Beta” subforum area. The thread is now open again for all (including NNTP users) to post. Thankyou for your patience.

My recollection is Blue tooth is not well implemented in Linux and indeed true for openSUSE.

There is a link here that may help: Bluetooth Daughter Card (14 pins) - ThinkWiki

Yes, do understand that 11.3 M6 is a development release. Hoping that it has the latest stuff and therefore higher chance of getting the laptop to work.

Will re-download 11.2 LiveCD as advise and retry.
Re-post the status onto the laptop forum by then.


I think 11.2 is a waste of your time. Your ThinkPad T410 has Intel HD_Graphics. I note this:
Intel HD Graphics - ThinkWiki

A very recent Linux distribution with kernel 2.6.33 and Intel Xorg driver 2.10 or newer is recommended.
openSUSE-11.2 has the 2.6.31 and only 2.9.0 of Intel Xorg driver. ie. you WILL have PROBLEMS with 11.2. I would not waste your bandwidth nor time.

Stick with11.3 which has the 2.6.34 and Intel Xorg driver 2.11.

oldcpu, thanks for the advise.

The thinkpad T410 that I had bought comes with the Nvidia 3100M 256MB DDR3 Graphics Card, which should work after installing the propriety drivers

The only problem with openSUSE-11.2 is that I’m not sure whether the wireless Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 is supported.

linlap is a good site.

I note thinkwiki has this to say re: the nVidia 3100M: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 3100M - ThinkWiki

Works with Nouveau git or a recent kernel with this patch respectively. (This fixes the problem, where the driver falsely disabled discrete graphic, which resulted in a black screen.) 2D is supported, while 3D support is under development.
Its possible 11.3’s nouveau has that patch … I don’t know. 11.2 may as you note, work with the proprietary nVidia driver.

linlap says the 6300 wireless will work.

Thinkwiki has this to say:
Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 - ThinkWiki

You may need to find the 6300 firmware. If you do a search here: for “iwl” you will see firmware for the 6000 series. That may be useful for your 6300.

You probably should post in our wireless section asking for help as I know next to nothing about wireless: Wireless - openSUSE Forums


“- cannot tap on touchpad and use it as mouseclicks”

install synaptiks, reboot.