I was using opensuse 13.2 for years and recently updated to Leap 15.0.
By “updated” I mean:
- the / catalog was wiped out clean for a fresh install of all system files
- the /home/my_user catalog was preserved with all “.” configuration files from the old system
The new 15.0 is great, but I have some problems with the desktop, e.g.:
- frequently: desktop widgets stop working
- sometimes: I get the “Kwin was restarted due to graphics reset” message and then the digital watch in the tray freezes
- rarely: when my GPU is heavily loaded I loose control over my system, i.e., I can see the verbose STDOUT progress log in my konsole and can move my mouse, but otherwise can do nothing at all but wait until the end of the GPU-task and restart
I believe that the problem is related to CONFIGURATION FILES FROM THE OLD 13.2 SYSTEM TO INTERFERE SOMEHOW WITH THE NEW SYSTEM. This is because I had two equivalent computers with 13.2, and I updated them to 15.0, but in the second case I intentionally made a fresh user catalog (i.e., no old configuration files) - as a result, I have no problems with the second computer.
So, what I do now is I delete old configuration files one-by-one in my user catalog, restart the system and observe. But it would be nice if you could give me a shortcut - i.e., which config files from the old opensuse family causes the problem with the new one?
Thank you for your time.