Problems with samba

Hi all,

currently i try to install & test samba with OpenSuSE v11.1 to learn for the LPIC-1 test.

Today i have the problem that i have changed /etc/samba/smb.conf , tested it with testparm and even restarted the server with ‘rcsmb restart’ but on a WinDOOF client i still have the old values before i changed the smb.conf, even after rebooting WinDOOF !

I tried to use the same directories on the server but with different rights and users allowed to access this directories ( called /samba/daten01 - /samba/daten06 )

Can someone help me and tell me what i have forgotten or overlooked ?


Try restarting both nmbd then smbd then windows and waiting 5 minutes after that.

And what change were you expecting?

At least the “server string” in [global] is now correct, but i still dont have the correct rights for /samba/daten01/ to /samba/daten05 …

Thanks for the tip with restarting nmbd, i didnt think about that myself :\


Let’s check the permissions.

Can you post here the stanzas from smb.conf for the shares daten1 to daten5 (or just one of them if they’re all the same) plus the return you get from this Linux command:

ls -l /samba

plus this command:

sudo pdbedit -L

Can you also tell me in your reply what you mean by “but i still dont have the correct rights”?

ls -l /samba

insgesamt 24
drwxrwxrwt 5 root root 4096  7. Sep 15:33 daten01
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 4096  9. Sep 14:55 daten02
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096  7. Sep 13:53 daten03
drwxrwxrwt 5 root root 4096  9. Sep 14:55 daten04
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 4096  7. Sep 15:21 daten05
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096  7. Sep 15:34 daten06

sudo pdbedit -L


Current /etc/samba/smb.conf

	server string = WinDOS
	workgroup =
	comment = Nur Lesen für Alle
	path = /samba/daten01
	read only = yes
	comment = Vollzugriff für Alle
	path = /samba/daten02
	writeable = yes
	comment = Nur für asterix & gehtnix
	path = /samba/daten03
	valid users = asterix gehtnix
	comment = asterix schreibend, saufnix & gehtnix nur lesend
	path = /samba/daten04
	valid users = asterix saufnix gehtnix
	write list = asterix
	comment = Auch für Gäste
	path = /samba/daten05
	guest ok = yes

Old /etc/samba/smb.conf

	server string = WinDOOF
	workgroup =
	comment = Freigabe für WinDOOF
	path = /samba/daten01
	writeable = yes
	comment = Nur für asterix & obelix !
	path = /samba/daten02
	write list = asterix obelix
	comment = Für asterix !
	path = /samba/daten03
	valid users = asterix obelix idefix
	write list = asterix
	comment = Nur für Gallier !
	path = /samba/daten04
	invalid users = @rom
	write list = @gallien
	comment = Frei für ALLE !
	path = /samba/daten05
	guest ok = yes
	writeable = yes
	path = /samba/daten06
	valid users = @rom @gallien
	write list = @rom
	force group = rom
	create mask = 664
	directory mask = 775

I also created a tabe what should be possible with the NEW rights:

asterix obelix saufnix gehtnix ANYBODY ....... /samba/daten01 ....... /samba/daten02 ...... ....... ....... /samba/daten03 ...... ....... /samba/daten04 /samba/daten05

Then i looked if the table above is correct with a user werner from a client with Windows installed …


PS: Work in progress, i update this post as soon as possible …

Accourding to what should be allowed

1.) every samba users should get ro to /samba/daten01
2.) every samaba user should get rw to /samba/daten02
3.) asterix and gehtnix should get rw to /samba/daten03
4.) asterix should get rw; saufnix, gehtnix should get ro to /samba/daten04
5.) ANYBODY ( including guests ) should get access to /samba/daten05

which i translated into a table what should be possible with the NEW rights:

asterix obelix idefix saufnix gehtnix ANYBODY ....... /samba/daten01 ....... /samba/daten02 ..??.. ..??.. ..??... ....... /samba/daten03 ...... ...... ....... /samba/daten04 /samba/daten05

i looked if the table above is correct with a user werner (which doesnt exist on my Linux server) from a client with Windows installed :

werner /samba/daten01 /samba/daten02
..??.. /samba/daten03 /samba/daten04 /samba/daten05

I just noticed that i should have included “writeable = yes” in sections [daten5] and [daten3] … but i dont understand what is happening in the directory /samba/daten03, where i see a directory “LVNRFX~8” as werner from the Windows client and a directory “leer?” as root on the server !
And i also dont understand why werner which doesnt exist on my linux server is able to get into /samba/daten01 - /samba/daten04 at all !


PS: With the old smb.conf our teacher showed us what is possible, then he told us to generate a new smb.conf … i asume my problems arise from the fact that i tried to use the old directories /samba/daten01 - /samba/daten05 again instead of creating new directories ( or that i made errors in the new sections [daten1] - [daten5] in the new smb.conf ) ?

Hi swerdna,

it seems that we have found the source of the problem:

The user werner on the WinDOOF client is logged in as asterix on the samba server !


PS: I HATE M$, always i have troubles because of their dirty OS >:(