problems with internet

I tried to connect to INTERNET via wired and wireless net.but Firefox write me “searching <my website>” only in both situations.
configuration of my nets:
INTERNET->cable modem->PC(os winXpProSP2)->laptop(suse v11).NAT is on on PC.and I typed IP of PC as gateway.I can ping PC from laptop
INTERNET->router(d-link DI524up)-laptop(suse V11).but for my INTERNET provider required WINS server.where I can type this server address?

p.s. sorry for my English.because I live in Ukraine and we have not normal Linux support boards.

You probably need to read about Internet Connection Sharing for Linux. In Linux we use “IP Masquerading” to get Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).

Have a read of this tutorial:
openSUSE ICS: Internet Connection Sharing (Linux IP Masquerading) with Suse or Windows Servers

and what you can reccomend me to read about wireless connection?

Interesting tips for wireless in the two “sticky” threads at the start of the wireless forum here:
Wireless - openSUSE Forums

And a tutorial here if you use madwifi or ndiswrapper:
Madwifi or Ndiswrapper Wireless Network Drivers - Suse/openSUSE 10, 11 - LAN & Internet access