Problems with installing Java plugin...?

I have tried to download Java-sun 1.6 with YaST2. But it dosnt work. It fulfills the download and installation, but i still dont have Java.

Im very new with open suse, so i really dont know what to do. :frowning: Can anybody help? :slight_smile:

Thanks, Rune

Open a terminal and try this:

rpm -qi java-1_6_0-sun

It will tell you whether you have java installed or not, if not, as root install it using zypper:

zypper in java-1_6_0-sun

You’ll also want the browser plugin:

zypper in java-1_6_0-sun-plugin

Zypper is an excellent cli tool for package and repository management.


In openSUSE 11.2, java should install by default. Check with the rpm query command; e.g. here’s my query; revealing the default java:

john@suse112:~> rpm -qa | grep java

So if you absolutely need to change to sun, you would uninstall openjdk, but if you simply just want java, you should already have it.

Not to ask a stupid question, but how do you know you don’t “have” Java? With Firefox, if you go to: Java + You and click on the “Do I have Java” link, what does it post back? Also, start a Terminal window and type:

~> java -version

Does it report anything back?