Hello, I just tried 11.0 KDE 3.5 with 64 bit installation. My video card is not being fully recognized. It keeps telling me no3d. I tried playing some of the native 3d linux games like TORCs or G-117, both of which are running very slow. I have not yet had a chance to download the drivers off ATI’s website. I have however noticed that SUSE did try and install the ATI control center. The ATI control center won’t run. It says it cannot recognize my video card. Now I did read a bit on this issue. I heard something about DRI support being an issue on Vison Tek cards. Should I find an older X series card on New Egg or should just attempt to use sh to compile the .run file from ATI’s website? Thanks again! After comming from Mandriva 2009 power pack, this system is far more stable! Just got to get the video card recognized right and I’ll be happy.
What card do you have?
oh, how forgetful of me!
ATI Radeon Vistek HD3450 512mb PCIE
I would fire up YAST and do a search for “fglrx” while connected to the net. Install the two files that come up.
Hopefully that will do it. I don’t think there is any post-install configuration required using this method, a simple reboot should do it.
If this method does work, there is an installer you can get from the ATI website which ought to work, However, there are quite a few steps to doing it this way, and therefore this method is known as “the hard way”.
I think your card is most likely supported, but I have not heard of any of the problems with your brand so you would know more about this than me.
If you do an install and are not sure if the driver is working or not, try this command in the terminal
If you get spinning gears you are good to go, but if you get an error message then you have a problem.
Acording to this site, the current driver set in my repository does not support my video card. However, 8.9 does. fgl_glxgears fails miserably.
steven@linux-z1kk:~> fgl_glxgears
Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
Segmentation fault
I guess your only choice is to download the installer and run that:
ATI Catalyst™ 8.9 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver
What I would do is fire up YAST and go through that list of dependencies in the instructions and install them one by one.
System Recommendations
For best performance and ease of use, AMD recommends the following:
* Kernel module build environment - should include the following: o Kernel source code: Either the Kernel Source or Kernel Headers packages * ISSE Support enabled in your Linux Kernel o Applies to Intel Pentium III and later CPUs only o Enabled by default on version 2.4 and later kernels * The rpm utility should be installed and configured correctly on your system, if you intend to install via RPM packages
The following packages must be installed in order for the Catalyst™ Linux driver to install and work properly:
* XFree86-Mesa-libGL * libstdc++ * libgcc * XFree86-libs * fontconfig * freetype * zlib * gcc
The installer won’t run correctly unless you have them. Some of the programs do not exist in Open Suse so if you search for them in YAST and nothing turns up, don’t sweat it.
The installer will run fine provided you type su in the terminal to get superuser privileges and are able to navigate to where the installer is located from the terminal using the “cd” command.
I would choose the “automatic” install and when the installer is finished run this command
aticonfig --initial -f
From there I believe you can just reboot and the new driver will load. Good luck and let us know how it goes.[QUOTE][/QUOTE]
I tried following that. i already downloaded the drivers. Right now I downloaded the 8.9 set. The next thing I was going to do was just to run it. I’ll make sure to uninstall 8.3 first. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
Sorry, I accidentally gave you a link to the 32 bit ATI driver installer, but I see you are running 64 bit Suse. Here is the correct one:
EDIT: It looks like you get the same driver from either link.
I cannot find this for 11.0. I think that’s why it won’t work. I installed it from the .run file. It still doesn’t see the 3d effects for the card and the ati installer still fails to install correctly.
I did forget to mention that I did find the XFree86-Mesa-libGL from XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.3.0-97.EL.x86_64 RPM but when I run the rpm it gives me bible’s worth of dependency errors. ****! I mean I love this o/s but Mandriva never gave me problems like this with opengl and graphic cards. We’ll I’ll have to write down and copy em if necessary and download all the files that it list are missing.
The mesa-libGL is one of the programs that won’t come up, so don’t worry about it.
Ok, so you ran the installer without errors? And you ran the command aticonfig --initial -f while logged in as super user?
If so, you may need to do the post-install configuration, which I was hoping you could avoid.
Here’s the post-install config routine for the ATI driver:
- Go to terminal and type su, enter root password, and enter this command
init 3
- Log in as root and enter this command
sax2 -r
- When sax2 starts, go to “change settings” and confirm that you monitor and resolution are correct (you can use your Windows monitor .inf file from your monitor install CD if you don’t see the exact model listed).
Also confirm that the 3d acceleration box is checked. If not, exit sax2 and run this command: sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
- When you’re done, exit and save settings and when you get back to the command line type etther “reboot” or control-alt-delete to restart.
That’s it. When you get back to the desktop, maybe run fgl_glxgears to test the driver.
Installer ran through. When I told it to specifically install the files for 11.0, it would not recognize the O/S. When I told it to install from the installer non-o/s specific it went through. The ATI control pannel still does not see a video card though. I will try the post-op as you had suggested. I did not try that yet. I will print out your very helpful post and try that. Thanks.
Sounds like you were asking it to generate an RPM. Don’t use that method, use the “automatic” installation.
And when you run aticonfig you should see a message saying “unitialized file found, initializing”.
Thanks a lot forest! I uninstalled reinstalled the drivers from init 3 and it fixed it! A little post op configuration later and 3d seems to work.
Thanks, I needed that. This is the first thing that’s gone right for me all day!
Thank you so much I had just upgraded to 11.3 followed and tried all the catalyst install methods perfect display but no cursor. Followed these instructions and now have fully working system.