Hi everyone,
I already asked this question in the german OpenSuSE forum, but yet got no answer.
I try to work with OpenCV (computer vision library) and OpenMP (multiprocessing library). If I enable OpenMP without OpenCV, my parallelization works fine. If I enable OpenCV additionally, no multiprocessing works anymore. I also asked this question in stackoverflow. The issue is known already. The solution would be to build OpenCV manually with Cmake and add a certain compiler flag. Here is the link to my stackoverflow post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65743267/does-opencv-suppress-openmp?noredirect=1#comment116352635_65743267
The solution given is for Ubuntu. My question is now, how can I “translate” this solution to OpenSuSE? I am not familiar with Cmake, so any help would be great.
I am using OpenCV 4.1 which I built using the official repositories.