Problems Sending/Recieving Bluetooth Transfers

I’ll put this in hardware as it is kind of HW related.

I have a Belkin F8T009 Bluetooth USB dongle and am trying to transfer files between this and my Samsung Galaxy SG3.

The PC and the Phone have successfully paired, and can see each other fine.

In the bluetooth settings in SUSE I have set the phone as a trusted device and for recieving files, changed the setting to automatic recieve for trusted devices.

When I send from the phone to the PC the file transfer fails. When I try to send a file from the PC to the phone, the bluetooth icon shows 1 device connected, the timer bar appears on the screen - and the information bubble says file sent.

What am I missing??

Running SUSE 12.2 (64bit) KDE
Phone is rooted running Omega v35

I’m new to all this having come from W7, so if you need me to run anything in terminal - baby instructions please!!

^ Bump ^

Just installed 12.3 and am still having the same issue.

Can anyone suggest a good bluetooth manager, other than the default?

On 2013-04-01 15:06, nigsy wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a good bluetooth manager, other than the default?

I have not tried bt on 12.3, but I have had problems in the past, using
gnome. Some distro versions it worked, some it did not. Sometimes it
started to work and transfer some files, then it stops midway.

In the end, if I want to transfer files, I remove the memory flash card
from the cell and plug it on the computer (usb reader). Works everytime
and is fast. If I want to synchronize things like messages or phone
lists, I reboot to Windows in the laptop, which I hate to do: not only
because of bluetooth (I use the cable even in Windows), but because
there I can use the software distributed by the cell manufacturer (Nokia).


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)


There’s a great app called ‘Airdroid’ for Android phones, but I just think I have bluetooth and I want it to work!!