problems running Guitarix and rakArrack

I’m on suse 11.0, installed the 2 programs from the reposytries but the don’t run.
Anybody can help?


Guitarix ends like this:

**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1240769612480.512 msecs

(guitarix:3741): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL’failed

(guitarix:3741): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_saturate_and_pixelate: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (src)’ failed

(guitarix:3741): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_draw_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)’ failed

(guitarix:3741): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_draw_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)’ failed

(guitarix:3741): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_draw_pixbuf: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)’ failed
signal 11 received, exiting …


-------linux-gj3b:~ > rakarrack
jackd 0.109.2
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
loading driver …
apparent rate = 48000
creating alsa driver … hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Instrução ilegal


please help

**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1240769612480.512 msecs

From memory, xruns are bad news. That’s an incredibly long period of time. The Jack server can be difficult to set up and get working. Basically for doing anything with connected musical instruments to record/edit/mix multiple tracks tracks etc., you need to work with a real-time kernel to get low latency.

I have avoided it with any of the normal distros - they are not up to it. I have tried out a specialized distro called 64 Studio (based on Debian with gnome) that provides such a kernel by default. I believe some of its developers are professional musicians as well. It also provides Jack, set up to work more or less out of the box, along with plenty of the best audio software available for linux. They also have good tutorials/documentation on the website, worth a read even if you don’t install it. You can browse their forum from the main website. However, they are not big on office applications, so you would probably need to multi-boot with openSUSE as I do. 64 Studio have a new version in beta test, so you may want to wait for the actual release of that.

There are a few (very) other distros e.g ubuntu studio, but haven’t tried that as they were then having some problems with their kernel. They have probably just released a new version.

well, i have the realtime-kernel installed. i came from (k)ubuntu-studio and after many problems with it gave openSUSE (jacklab) a try. much better.
i try to avoid having 2 distros installed, for this reason i think jacklab (openSUSE) ist best choice. i don’t know, perhaps i have to change to 2 distros, but all other audio-software is working and i have no problem with jack in other apps.
that x-run you quoted must be a joke kkkkkkkk - must be a period of days or weeks.

Had you said that in your first post, I wouldn’t have wasted your time and mine:(. The research I did helped me to avoid ubuntu studio, and general purpose distros. Then I don’t mind multibooting, as it’s easy to setup with linux using Grub. A search of this forum may have given you a clue as to how much support you would find here for Jack and the other audio applications that use it. Not a lot in my experience.

Apart from the integrated Audio software, I chose 64 Studio for their forum support. Most of the questions I needed answering had already been asked and answered by the experts there. Although the current version is not as modern as openSUSE, the distro had been tuned for the job with very fast performance, and being debian it’s very stable. You can of course download any of the normal debian packages and updates to improve on the office, internet, graphics and multimedia applications. So you could exist with only one distro. The new version in test is based on Debian “Lenny”, newly released this year (February I think).

I haven’t used Guitarix, so I can’t help you further on that. Someone may come along. Good luck with whatever you decide to do:).

No need to cry, my friend. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

yea, thats a very good argument. jacklab-forum is quite unused. ubuntu-studio has good support but is quite a “toy”

so, I am allready downloading 64-Studio 2.1 now. will install it on my second harddrive - then perhaps i will come to the conclusion that i don’t need allround-distro like openSuse, i will see. hope i can get a stable KDE-4 running on that, as i don’t like Gnome.

I thank you, my friend. I will post a comment here after testing 64-studio for me.

No need to cry, my friend. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Haha. No tears were here, just a little grumble.

then perhaps i will come to the conclusion that i don’t need allround-distro like openSuse, i will see. hope i can get a stable KDE-4 running on that, as i don’t like Gnome.

Not sure you will come to that conclusion. That distro is based on a no frills debian “etch” - the openSUSE 10.x era. I only put up with that gnome because it’s not the main reason for using it. Their emphasis is on music production from recording through to art work and publishing. They claim the assembled tools get the job done, but may not be latest or most polished. Let’s see what they come up with for version 3. Of course debian’s testing repo’s contain packages which other distros would consider stable enough, so you can move nearer to modernity.

I couldn’t live with 64 Studio 2.1 as my main distro, as it is. I have always used kde 3.5, and quite like the openSUSE gnome, maybe kde4 will be the happy medium when I give it a go. I don’t think debian have embraced kde 4.x yet.

Anyway, look forward to hearing of your conclusion(s):).

so, bug in Guitarix is solved allready; see: JackLab Support • View topic - problems running Guitarix and rakArrack

and talking of 64-Studio - I installed 3.0-beta - WOW, i feel like professional producer now; finaly a music-distro who works.
so, will i delete openSuse; since 64studio is now based on ubuntu(hardy), and i can live with hardy.???
i will see. can i live with gnome? perhaps, if yes i won’t need opensuse anymore.
i’m testing - only thing i now for sure by now - 64Studio will stay a loooooooooong time on my HD.

Thanks for that link. Interesting, and encouraging.

and talking of 64-Studio - I installed 3.0-beta - WOW, i feel like professional producer now; finaly a music-distro who works.

I’m delighted that you discovered the professional strength of their music apps, and once you find your way around their forum I think you will agree that the support is equally skilled. I must make time to give 3.0 a try.

so, will i delete openSuse; since 64studio is now based on ubuntu(hardy), and i can live with hardy.???
I did a quick search of their forum to understand more of that. I got the impression that 3.0 (kernel and stuff they tune specifically) will be based on debian Lenny, but day to day packages (a bit vague) would come from ubuntu Hardy repo. Is that your understanding? :question:

i’m testing - only thing i now for sure by now - 64Studio will stay a loooooooooong time on my HD.

That was exactly my reaction when I multi-booted with 64Studio 2.1, so the very best of luck with your testing. Whatever you decide, I hope you will stay in touch with openSUSE developments as I think it will get even better…:slight_smile:

I think thats more or less it. ubuntu isn’t really very difrent from debian too, inst it?
3.0-beta ha the 2.6.29-Kernel by now and it is verry stable.
hardy repros are desactivated by default but listed, so its up to you to use them.

would be great to see JackLab working like 64-studio one day.
I dont like dualbooting. costumize only one Distro allready is verry much work - for example, i am working 3 day allready to set up 64-studio.
But yes, opensuse is the best allround-distro, and i am not decided yet.

wish is your nick in 64-Studio-Forum? im posting there as “capoeira”

That’s all good to know. I don’t really customize the other distros I try out, but I do update them fairly reqularly, for comparison and security. I do understand your further comments, i.e.:

I dont like dualbooting. costumize only one Distro allready is verry much work - for example, i am working 3 day allready to set up 64-studio.
But yes, opensuse is the best allround-distro, and i am not decided yet.

I don’t recall joining 64Studio’s forum as I installed 2.1 a long time after it came out, and all my questions were answered in old threads. But when I install 3.0 I will join, and obviously use a different handle. Thanks for yours - I will say hi to you when I get there. :slight_smile:

costumizing my 64Studio-Dist:

KDE4 in hardy is only 4.1.2 available - and that version suck still. even if it would be 4.1.3 i wouldnt install it, dont seen 4.2 jet but kde4 is still more look than usibly

so i installed KDE3.5.10 and again: WOW - even more lighter then the installed Gnome - and i can costumize all (Gnome is 4 minimalists)
i think i will desinst. Gnome.

and, yes…i’m sure now that i wont need opensuse anymore - as 4 me audio-production and internet-apps is like 99% of what i do on my PC

oooo - finaly i can record my guitar-solo…i installed Rakarrack from source. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback on the DE options. I am glad we arrived at an appropriate linux home to meet your needs. You have increased my enthusiasm to try out 3.0. I must get on with it over the next few days. Cheers. :wink: