Problems managing mailboxes thorough Yast

Got SUSE 11.1 server with postfix\cyrus\ldap up and running.
I use yast to manage ldap users database, but discovered following problems:

  1. When i create user, everything is fine and default address user@domain is added to cyrus. If i delete user yast removes user from ldap and can delete home folder, but it will NOT delete users mailbox. :frowning:

  2. To delete mailbox thorough cyradm i begin with

passwd cyrus

to be able to authenticate to cyradm and then i can finally delete unneeded mailbox. But after i change password for cyrus yast is unable to manage users mail parameters. :frowning:

So questions is: How to get yast delete users mailboxes? And how to get it to work simultaneously with cyradm?