Hi, I’ve been dealing with these problems forever and finally decided to ask for some help, so I’ll just leave these here. I’m not sure if this is the right section though. I’m on Opensuse 11.3(i586) using kde 4.5.3. Any help with any of my problems would be very much appreciated
Ok, first about the keyboard layout. I want to be able to write Spanish characters like (á é ñ), but I find very annoying having to type ^~" twice (i don’t even use these characters ĺ ḿ üêã). So, I want to turn of the dead keys for those characters, and for the ñ use the MetaKey. I tried touching settings in /etc/share/X11/locale, but this apparently hasn’t helped at all. At the bottom of the post I’ll leave the output of setxkbmap -print. This alone would help me a lot.
Does anyone have experience with logitech keyboards such as G15? I have a G110 keyboard, every time (3 times) I manage to make the keyboard work (with the g15 daemon), my whole system crashes after a while and I get a USB problem (seriously, the first time it took me a while realizing why it happened). So I stopped trying (all I really wanted was to map the G keys to some functions), I don’t even require it. Anyway, if anyone succeeded without problems, let me know.
Another problem I have is with my screen resolution. I’ve read a lot of people having the same problem, but I can’t manage to fix it. I mean, I don’t even get why it’s that hard. I got a 1440x900 screen. Every time I reboot my system starts with 1400x1050 , I have to go to System settings to fix it, options don’t get saved as one would expect. Well, I think my problem is cause of nvidia drivers, so I go to nvidia settings to get this fixed. But, these settings are all fine, it says 1440x900. When I try pressing Save to X (to make sure it gets saved), i get a failed to parse message. Oh well, screw this, I go to the xorg.conf file. But over here everything says 1440x900. How come my resolution keeps changing each time I reboot?
Last I got a problem with flash player. Atm I’m using chrome. So, my problem is that after a long while of having the browser open, flash player stops working properly (it’s hard to describe but in youtube for example, the image and sound freeze for 5 seconds, in the next second everything happens at once, freezes 5 seconds again, shows all that frozen time in fast forward again, etc), I restart flash with the chrome task manager, reload the page, and it works properly again. I tried using firefox but I have the same problem (except I cant restart the flash plugin without restarting the browser). I thought it might be a problem with the player, but I reinstalled it like 4 times already, and there’s still something faulty. Does this happen to anyone else or is it a known problem?
Thanks for reading, much longer than I thought it would be
setxkbmap -print
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete" };
xkb_compat { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols { include "pc+us(alt-intl)+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)" };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc104)" };