After last updating I’m coming across some issues mainly about web browsing: I get different text fonts than usual (on Google search for example, but also on some web sites) and small fonts appear with a sort of halo…
Moreover I get some difficulties in video streaming: after a while it stops with no apparent reason…
Hoping was clear…
What could I do? Where I begin from?
The “halo” sounds like a problem with your gfx-driver - are you sure the different fonts are not actually distorted fonts?
it could be…
anyway, how can I proceed?
Reinstall your gfx-driver, check your monitor settings (for example via SaX2), your xorg.conf and your dpi-settings, try to get some info what went wrong (recent xorg-updates, xorg-logs…). These are just random suggestions, since we don’t have much info on what is happening yet.