I have a opensuse 12.1 64 system that was working happily that now has a problem.
Maybe this happened after an update and then a reBoot.
All i can be certain of is after a reBoot - i lost my gui.
at first the behavior was:
upon start it said " could not start kdeinit4 check installation.
I never see the screen where one can pick user & password.
then with an OK it complains with
no greeter widget plugin found check configuration.
so maybe i was missing the kde-workspace – i tried a few things to install-correct that
eventually i started yast2 in the ‘simple mode’ and then attempted to uninstall all kde4.
I was thinking I could install kde3.n
I tried that … it did not seem to give me kde3.
I now have a simpl xterm
( that is the grey menus ( iceWM -XTerm)
when i open yast2 - software managment patterns
I see where kde 4 desktop enviroment & kde4 base system are NOT checked
X windows system IS checked and kde 3 is NOT show ( as it is on my open suse 11.1 system )
I am wondering id - anyone might think I could reInstall kde4 and that would get me back to the rich gui experience.
What might be the best way to do that?
Why might we think it got broken?
I have an nvidia card.
I do think I have the correct drive.
I feel certain that it is a software problem
If you have used the NVIDIA driver then you may need to reinstall that after a kernel update.
Very confused about 11.1 and KDE3 can you explain that clearer? KDE3 is available but not really supported anymore. If you uninstalled KDE4 reinstall it.
On 2012-07-14 03:26, gogalthorp wrote:
> Very confused about 11.1 and KDE3 can you explain that clearer? KDE3 is
> available but not really supported anymore.
Yes, it is.
It is listed in the official features list.
As of openSUSE 12.1 KDE 3 desktop is included as officially supported part of the distribution.
Additional KDE 3 software can be installed from community-supported KDE:KDE3 repository.
zimbot - read that page, how to install kde3 is explained there.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
I think i do not get an option of booting failsafe mode
I currently have XTERM and run yast2 that way ( much like you describe )
under yast software manager
i seem to NOT have installed any
kernel-, kernel--source and kernel-syms
my kernel-desktop is 3.1.10-1.9.1( 3.1.10-1.16.1)
maybe i should install kde4
or maybe do the 1 click of kde3 or kde4 from here KDE3
I like that idea
maybe what happened was i updated the kernel and needed to update my nvidia driver
I have since updated my nvidia driver – but i also unInstalled kde4
I read some things on google that lead me to think that kde4 had some manner of bug.
i now think kde4 should work just fine.
so ??? do the 1 click of kde4 from KDE3
…maybe. what do you think
i actually thought that would give me kde3 ( that was wrong - that gave me XTERM only … i think )
Without the source, syms and devel packages - or if they are mismatched (different versions), plus make and *gcc, *the nvidia driver can’t recompile itself.
Thanks much
yes - i understood the use of “*” was a “number specific here”
i really do not have those
as in i do
meUser@altman:~> rpm -qa | grep kernel
and maybe
kde4 ( letting yast find the dependencies)
and the kde-workspace
something of that sort – would you agree?
thanks again , this has really been illuminating and a learning experience for me.
( in a way – i have enjoyed that it ‘broke’ – it forces one to have greater understanding of that which …usually just works )
Not quite. You should install the kernel-* that match YOUR kernel version, Kernel-desktop-3.1.10-1.9.1.x86_64. Also I think the kernel-default-devel and kernel-xen-devel might not be necessary, don’t select them specifically in yast, if necessary they will be pulled in as a dependency.
I took that listing as an example only, from a oS 11.4 machine, which runs an older kernel than yours.
I have a similar issue.
At the beginning i thought to a gfx-videocard-driver problem but, from terminal and without X running, if i give a “xinit” (both root or normal user), i can use a -little white terminal- opened in the top-left corner of screen, and if i try “glxgears”, “glxinfo” or to start any kde4-programs, all works like if kde4 is running…
So i think (almost mine) isn’t a gfx-driver problem, but a “socket” problem with dbus or similiar… (since, if i try to “startx” i receive a “kdeinit4__0” from “socket” directory file not found…) but i can’t understand what…