Problem with swat after upgrade to 12.3

I had samba and sswat working under 12.2 and then I upgraded to 12.3. Tried to connect with swat through the browser (firefox) and received the message “unable to connect to localhost:901”. So I went into YAST and into Network Service Configuration (xinedt) and saw that swat had a status of “–”. So I clicked on toggle status and got the message that “package samba was successfully installed”. No change in status being either on or off. And still can’t get the browser into swat.

Swat started by other means? A problem in the Network Service Configuration?

The openSUSE developers have removed SWAT from Samba in openSUSE 12.3 presumably because of a security problem in SWAT and the lack of maintenance support for the package, but I don’t recall seeing an announcement on the subject from openSUSE developers. One of your options for openSUSE 12.3, and really 12.2 if you wish, is to look at my bash script SACT, that you can find here: SACT - Samba Automated Configuration Tool - Version 1.03 - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

Thank You,

Thanks for letting me know. To me swat was not just a configuration tool but also to see what is going on. Wish the developers would have broken out swat from samba and allow the individual to install it if they wish with a warning.

Here is a write up on the Security Issue: Samba - Security Announcement Archive

I can only say that since swat is no longer actively maintained, no one was going to fix the security issue and no one took up the touch to keep the utility working. In the end, its only a tool and not required for Samba to work. Please have a look at my bash script and while no SWAT substitute per say, I tried to include as much functionality as I could for Samba users. If you see something missing (other than glitz), please leave me a message in the blog so that I might look into adding in that function.

Thank You,