I have a problem with the screensaver i OpenSUSE 11.2. When I choose a saver, and a time for starting, the changes made doens’t work. Now I have a blank screen, but I have chosen svarm. The time it activates is not the time I have chosen.
Can anybody give me a clue on how to solve this problem?
Please be more clear: KDE4/Gnome/KDE3? 32bit/64bit?
I have 32 bit and run KDE 4.3.1.
How long did you set the screen saver start?
There is a kernel controlled screen blanker. It drove me crazy in 10.2. I never did find out how to turn it off in terminal 7 ( the GUI terminal. ) This might be what you are seeing if you set a longish wait (+10 min) for the screen saver.
I set to 3 mins just to check that it worked.I also unchecked the choice for power control.
Does not sound like the terminal blanker problem then. I don’t have a clue sorry.