Problem with resolution

I’m new on openSUSE and in using linux.

I’ve got a problem with the resolution. I’ve got 19 ‘’ wide Samsung monitor. It should work with a resolution of 1440 x 900. openSUSE automatically choose that resolution for my monitor but it looks really bad. It doesn’t look wide.

Weeks ago I installed mandriva with KDE and I had the same resolution problem and I tought that was mandriva’s problem. I couldn’t fix it, so I change distro to ubuntu gnome and the resolution worked fine, I had also try Fedora (gnome) and the resolution also work fine.

The problem seems to be with KDE.

Had anyone got this problem ?

I think that the problem is in KDE. Because when a install Gnome distributions the resolution works fine.

I doesn’t look wide… it looks square… with 1440 x 900. And it looks “ugly”.
I don’t speak english very well so I can’t explain very well how it looks.

Can anyone help me?


I don’t know the solution. But try the GUI located at Menu → Configure Desktop (personal settings) → Computer Administration → Display → Size

I already try. But it doesn’t work.

I’m surprised that sawerdna’s advice didn’t allow you to change display mode. Was 1440 x 900 listed there?

A little more info may be required.

Post the output of


You also mention

I doesn’t look wide… it looks square… with 1440 x 900. And it looks “ugly”.
I don’t speak english very well so I can’t explain very well how it looks.

Perhaps you are inferring that your display resolution is correct, but just that your KDE desktop is not displayed correctly? I’m not sure that I completely understand this, but your English is fine :slight_smile:

What grahphics card and driver are you using? How is your montior connected (eg VGA or DVI cable)?