Problem with PyQt/Qt in 11.2

I am trying to use puddletag on openSUSE 11.2 machine and I am informed that the problem I have may be due to the version of pyqt/qt I have being too old. (python-qt4 4.6.1-1.1.1) Please could I have some help to install a later version.
Many thanks,

Open your terminal and write


Send the output here.

Also try to install Cmake

# zypper install cmake libqt4-devel

Hi Stamos,
Thanks for the reply. Results below:-

This downloaded and installed 49 new packages but application still not working as required. What should I try next please?

Post the output of this


As before, here is the output:-

If ‘qt-creator’ is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf qt-creator.

That is all I get.

Have you really installed qt-creator?
Try now to run graphically.

I found something: Maybe qt-creator has stopped to support for openSUSE 11.2.

Sorry but I can not find it.

@stamostolias: what’s with installing all these spurious packages? This is no way to install a newer version of python-qt4, what were you thinking?

@budgie2: There is no newer version of python-qt4 for openSUSE 11.2, which is no longer supported (reached end-of-life on May 12 this year). You could upgrade your whole distro to 11.4 and it would auto upgrade python-qt4 to 4.8.3-3.2. (a lot of effort though).

Hi stamostolios, well yes I do have qt-creator installed according to yast software management but the command is not recognised in console. I have no idea how I could run it graphically.

Hi Swerdna, thanks for the heads up on end of life but I started my trial of puddletag before 15 May this year. Surely they do not turn everything off on that date! On the other hand my experience with python configobj from packman suggests that work stops as soon as a newer version of openSUSE is extant because the version of configobj on packman dated from 2009.

As for changing to openSUSE 11.4, a glance through this forum should tell me that things are far from OK just yet. Besides I really cannot work with 11.4 because I cannot get the display on older server to work as there is no easy user access to display parameters and I like to have all machines on same version. I believe it is possible to use 11.2 system display but I do not have time to do the migration at the moment.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes they do…, once removed from the master mirror and transferred to discontinued. Once the mirrors sync any repositories will disappear. On OBS, they will turn off the search and at some point the repositories will disappear as well.

[security-announce] openSUSE 11.2 has reached end of SUSE support - 11.2](

Beside all the rest of this discussion I want to mention that the command to
start qt-creator is


without any “-” in it.

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.3 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram

@swerdna because I use qt these packages are very useful for qt and C++ developing. If you want to develop in a programming language you must install the correct packages for that. That was my thinking. Second in a previous post I found that newer version of qt has no support for 11.2

These devel libraries which I have said are very useful for developing.

Martin is right about in terminal, I must not rush.

And also he can go a step forward with these libraries just writing Code. If he does not upgrade to 11.4, these packages are useful for other programs which are written in C++ or C or other programming language.

and this:

And also he can go a step forward with these libraries just writing Code. If he does not upgrade to 11.4, these packages are useful for other programs which are written in C++ or C or other programming language.

Are you serious!!! what on earth would someone want to re-code and re-write an application from scratch for. OP just wanted the upgraded package; doesn’t have a month to write new software.You are really really really unhelpful here. Please go away.

Stop it, you’re making me crazy! Go away!

Hi I now have qtcreator running OK but as will be obvious I am not a coder so am not sure how this program will help me get puddletag running.

Seems also that I am on a sinking ship with 11.2. I really had no idea that openSUSE policies would go this way. My wife is still using Windows XP and gets better support and most windows software runs on XP too.

I am certainly in the school of ‘if it aint broke …’ not least because I have real work to do and have little time to play with computer for it’s own sake. I have read here some suggested remedies including buying Enterprise versions of Suse. I am inclined to go down this route but would that mean that I would not be able to use programs from Packman site; multimedia stuff for example? What are the implications of going down this route? Is there anywhere I could read up a bit on this?
Thanks for all the replies on qt-creator.

Budgie2 wrote:

> I am certainly in the school of ‘if it aint broke …’ not least
> because I have real work to do and have little time to play with
> computer for it’s own sake.

About your need for a newer python-qt for puddletag, let me think until
tomorrow, I will come back on that. There will be some solution.

I posted this to another thread and copy it here:

You can use
and keep your 11.2 alive. You will not have all repositories available for
newer versions and if you want to use libreoffice you need to install it
maybe without repository, but libreoffice offers generic rpm’s

Change your main repositories to

in addition the packman repos for 11.2 are still alive here

and remove the other repositories you have now (they are no longer there).

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.3 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram

Budgie2 wrote:

> I am trying to use puddletag on openSUSE 11.2 machine and I am informed
> that the problem I have may be due to the version of pyqt/qt I have
> being too old.
Can you give me a few additional details which problem you have and how you
installed puddletag (rpm, from source)?

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.3 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram

If you wanted a perpetually stable, debugged upgrade sequence you could upgrade to 11.3 now, and then in a year update to 11.4 – and so on (always a sufficient time behind the current new release that, when you get it, the bug fixes would be in it).

There are methods to make this process fairly painless.

Good reading: SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE Wiki

martin_helm wrote:

> Budgie2 wrote:
>> I am trying to use puddletag on openSUSE 11.2 machine and I am informed
>> that the problem I have may be due to the version of pyqt/qt I have
>> being too old.
> Can you give me a few additional details which problem you have and how
> you installed puddletag (rpm, from source)?
Your problem with puddletag on 11.2 can easily be solved.
The problem is the package python-configobj (not python-qt4 or qt4)
Remove it! (see below)

for example to ~/Downloads

sudo zypper rm python-configobj
cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf configobj-4.6.0.tar.gz
cd configobj-4.6.0
sudo python install

Now puddletag 0.10.3 works on my 11.2 test install (evergreen version but
that makes here no difference at all)

Have much fun.

PC: oS 11.3 64 bit | Intel Core2 Quad Q8300@2.50GHz | KDE 4.6.3 | GeForce
9600 GT | 4GB Ram
Eee PC 1201n: oS 11.4 64 bit | Intel Atom 330@1.60GHz | KDE 4.6.0 | nVidia
ION | 3GB Ram

Hi and thanks for putting some time into this for me. In fact puddletag would not run until I had updated version of configobj, ie a version not from 11.2 repo site. Puddletag runs mostly OK but some features are not working, in particular the ability to sort the columns. If you click on a colum header it is supposed to toggle the sort order but on my system the direction arrows show but no changes are made to column ordering.

I shall keep going with Evergreen and thanks for the details of the correct repos to use. I am reconciled however to upgrading to 11.4. Need time to sort things out in any case. Will return when I have Evergreen working.

Thanks again.