Problem with laptop display. Video

Tech noob here. I’m running TW-Gnome-Wayland on a 3 yr old MSI AMD Bravo 15 Ryzen 7 laptop. My screen is acting up. See a video sample here: → Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Any idea what the source of the problem could be? Hardware? Connection cabling? Circuit board going bad? I know that’s a broad question but I’m hoping one of you may have seen this particular issue before.

My laptop is a gaming laptop so it has a GPU in it. Let me know if you need hardware details.

The problem will happen for a few minutes then go away for about 5-10 minutes then return for a few minutes. This repeats all day.

MSI Bravo 15 AMD Ryzen 7 4800H 15.6" 16GB A4DDR-212IN. Model MS-16WK. S/N: K2104N0045901. SKU: Bravo 15 A4DDR-212IN-BBAR748H16GXXDX10EMH

Problem started about 3 days ago.

Try to use Leap and/or Windows.

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I took it to the shop and turns out the screen had a hardware issue. So I had it replaced and now it’s working fine.

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