I’m running latest KDE4.1 on openSUSE 11.0 and I’m having various problems with keyboard layouts switching.
To this day layout switching was “working” this way:
- when I started KDE, only one layout indicator was on systray
- ctrl + alt + K was not working
- after clicking on layout indicator another one appeared in systray
- after that shortcut for switching started to work
- only one indicator was reflecting changes of shortcut
- then I closed the other one, the one that was not working
And today, this weird behaviour got even worst, it stops working completely. Now switching only works with mouse click on keyboard indicator. I tried all settings (global switching, application switching), none of them worked
Any clue, what is causing these troubles ?
PS: I’m using Krusader as file manager, but KDE3 version, because in KDE4 port, shortcuts also are not working So i have to watch out in every zypper update and switch krusader to ‘keep’
PS2: I love openSUSE