I have a new Lenovo G500 notebook with an Intel HD 4000 graphics card. When I tried installing 12.3 from the DVD, the install would start and then the screen would go blank. The same thing would happen using the live Rescue CD and if I tried to load Parted Magic. I learned that I had to set the No KMS option to do the installation and I can only run Parted Magic in failsafe mode. I did get it installed, so that is not my problem. I have SUSE installed as a dual boot with Windows 8, both 64 bit. I have VMWare 9 installed in SUSE and Windows 7 32 bit running in a vm. When I start the vm, I get a message that 3D is not available from the host and it is obvious that Win 7 is graphically challenged. In the VMWare settings, it shows that 3D is enabled, so I am thinking that SUSE 12.3 is not providing the correct driver. Someone in another thread said that they had the same problem but had no problem when they installed 12.2, so I would like some help with locating the right driver and installing it, if that is actually the problem. TIA
The intel driver is built in. If you are running the system without kms, the intel driver is probably not being used.
Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_Graphics#KMS_.28Kernel_Mode_Setting.29
I think that you are probably right but I tried the 32 bit installation and the 64 bit installation and neither worked unless I selected No KMS. Is there a way to acquire the driver and install it after the 12.3 install? I would prefer that it be included in the installation because I am in experimental mode and I have re-installed SUSE 3 times in the last 3 weeks. I still have some things that I want to check out so I will probably mess up and have to install it again. I am at least getting faster at recognizing that it isn’t going to work anymore and re-installing.
Thanks for the link.
Troubleshooting Blank screen during boot, when "Loading modules" If using "late start" KMS and the screen goes blank when "Loading modules", it may help to add i915 and intel_agp to the initramfs. See [the above](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel#KMS_.28Kernel_Mode_Setting.29) KMS section.
I am installing from a DVD. How do I add anything to the installation?