This is the error that I get when trying to sync it:
Failed to connect account “”.
The reported error was “Error performing TLS handshake: The operation was cancelled due to user error”.
It seems that there is a problem with the encryption method, the options that I can select are “No encryption”, “TLS on a dedicated port” and “STARTTLS after connecting”. The guide explicitly states to use SSL, and i.e., with other clients (I’ve tried Thunderbird and Kmail) there is an option “SSL/TSL” that works correctly; apparently Evolution doesn’t let me select SSL.
What am I doing wrong? Is there really no way to select just SSL?
I’m not an “evolution” user. And I don’t have an account at HostingSolutions to test. But I think the option that you need is “TLS on a dedicated port”.
I tried setting up an account with “evolution” and it was able to automatically set it up based on my email address. It used “TLS on a dedicated port”. If I were to use Thunderbird for that address, it would use SSL/TLS.
I have the same problem. Thunderbird works fine but evolution fails TLS handshake. Evolution was working fine until I ran “zypper dup” a couple of days ago.
The odd thing is that until a couple of updates ago it was working fine, I noticed this problem only since a few days. And it was set to “TLS on a dedicated port”, and working.
There have been moves to remove support for older SSL methods which are now considered insecure. For a while they were marked as deprecated, but still supported. More recently some software has removed that support. Perhaps “evolution” has removed that support.
I don’t really know if this case is about older methods, but removing compatibility does not seem like a very good choice. Anyway, I’ll try to find a solution, like I said other clients are working fine; I opted for Evolution because it worked better for me and I preferred its features over other’s, but if the account isn’t going to work, these considerations are pointless. It is a pity.