I just accepted a number of online updates via YAST. This included a number KDE 4.10.5 components.
I was assembling a file immediately after this and wanted to view the readme. When launched an error msg popped up - no kde text editor.
A reboot cured this.
I then moved on to add some entries to the applications menu’s via right click and edit applications. I have added a new group and 2 sub items but the command fields are greyed out. I then updated the file and the new items are in the file, shown when I reload it. However they don’t appear when the button is clicked.
:\Any ideas???
Update mentioned as I added a couple of items yesterday.
This is to be expected. You were running KDE 4.10.3, and then it was replaced underneath you with KDE 4.10.5. So there’s a mismatch between what you are running (left-over-bits of 4.10.3) and what is there (4.10.5).
Logout followed by login would probably have been sufficient. In my opinion, the update should have warned you to logout then login again.
As application launcher - right click - edit applications show the modifications I made and saved but the list of applications I get when I just click it in the normal way to launch something don’t show them. So looks like I am still running a mix.
4.10.3 file edit and a 4.10.5 list of applications to launch which do not include my modifications.
Not to bothered about log in out etc and rebooted because Kmail from kde3 was working and suddenly stopped even before the update. Not updating the editor to point at the right file is more of a problem but I agree mentioning a log out and back in would have been a good idea. All I saw was an adobe license.
More importantly maybe is that I understand the next “stable” release is 4.11. Due in August so a half step now doesn’t make much sense.
It seems some of KDE moves to Qt5 so software organisation is rather different and more work on activities. I have also heard mention of virtualisation.
I’m reminded of the change over period from KDE3 to KDE4. Effort was made to include some 4 features as alternatives and they were not used as they didn’t work. If 4.11 is what they say it is I would have thought distro’s would get it out to the users like us as soon as possible.
There is also the KDE updater. Having been severly bitten in the past I would be reluctant to use it. One problem is that there is no way of knowing what a particular distro has done to the original software.
Just tried to bug report the edit applications problem and the links seem to be dead. rotfl!Maybe bugs don’t happen on Sunday.
On 2013-07-21 11:36, John 82 wrote:
> KDE 5 is on it’s way. This is one view on this aspect
> ‘aseigo: Plasma Workspaces 4.11: A long term release’
> (http://tinyurl.com/kzc8sec)
> If 4.11 is what they say it is I would have thought
> distro’s would get it out to the users like us as soon as possible.
And then what would they distribute on oS 13.1, ein? >:-)
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)
4.11. whatever it is at that point Carlos. I’m thinking in terms of those that want (deep voice) “enterprise wide solutions”. I feel kde has lost it’s way in that respect though as I do know why people use it like that - enough as this is chit chat.
I had that solution of the kde forum. Hoping to obtain some file level info. Hasn’t changed anything.
Little more detail. I don’t want the 2 opensuse icons on my desktop. I do use them occasionally so thought get them into app launch. I had already tried to add old Kmail entries without any problems other than correct incantations so had removed them. Then came the update
I added a folder called OpenSuse and 2 sub entries. The command field on the folder is greyed out which I suspect is correct but it’s also greyed out in the sub entries which can’t be correct. Plus the problem I mentioned - new stuff in the edit applications but not shown from application launch even after a reboot. They are being retained in the file though.
I was also pointed at a directory off my home to check for user rights - nothing in there other than my didn’t work 2 kmail desktops files that I had deleted. The fact that nothing else is there has some interesting software connotations.
It looks like there have been changes in this area. I don’t recall seeing uninstall there - shudder - I wouldn’t try using that personally. Use YAST.
I’ve found the solution. Delete the entries, save, close re open and enter them again. I am sure I did it the same way as well but had the file that keeps this open in Kate at the same time when I deleted the original entries.
One more problem - the command for OnlineHelp is a url and not sure what to add to launch it to what ever is configured as the default browser.
On Sun 21 Jul 2013 03:36:01 PM CDT, John 82 wrote:
I’ve found the solution. Delete the entries, save, close re open and
enter them again. I am sure I did it the same way as well but had the
file that keeps this open in Kate at the same time when I deleted the
original entries.
One more problem - the command for OnlineHelp is a url and not sure
what to add to launch it to what ever is configured as the default
xdg-open will launch a file or url with the default browser, eg;
xdg-open 'http://forums.opensuse.org'
Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 12.3 (x86_64) Kernel 3.7.10-1.16-desktop
up 1 day 11:23, 4 users, load average: 0.14, 0.26, 0.38
CPU AMD E2-1800@1.70GHz | GPU Radeon HD 7340
I experienced this same issue with the recent KDE update… In my case Kwrite refused to save the work in progress and no new instances of Kwrite would launch.
In a bit of a panic (I had several Kwrite windows open and unsaved), I used LibreOffice Write to save the work temporarily, then proceeded to prepare for a possible long and inconvenient troubleshoot (wondering if I’d have to brush up on my vim again).
As suggested a simple reboot fixed the problem.
Assuming the upstream KDE packagers knew they would cause this kind of problem, IMO they should have pushed a warning or a better upgrade than what happened.
> Assuming the upstream KDE packagers knew they would cause this kind of
> problem, IMO they should have pushed a warning or a better upgrade than
> what happened.
It is known that you should restart all applications being updated, and
not use them during the update
There is no way to know in advance what could break during an update.
The kind of testing needed to find that out is only done for things like
the update tools themselves.
Which means, that if kwrite is going to be updated, or any library used
by kwrite, you should stop it, update, then restart it. Same for
everything. If KDE libraries are updated, you should restart the entire
KDE, and stop using things that need to be saved while you do the
update. If you don’t take safe precautions, anything can happen.
This knowledge should be common and you should not need to be warned on
each and every update.
The problem is that we get so used to “nothing happens”, or “only
Windows needs rebooting after updates” that yast/apper seem to be afraid
of recommending to log out or reboot after an update, or give it for
granted that you already know.
In fact, only zypper tells you to run “zypper ps” to learn what needs
precisely to be restarted. Or, take the easy route and simply restart
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)