I am facing two issues with CUPS -
- I have installed cups 1.3.9 over OpenSuse11 x86. Please check below -
cups:/usr/share/cups/banners # cups-config --version
cups:/usr/share/cups/banners # cat /proc/version
Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291] (SUSE Linux) ) #1 SMP 2008-12-04 18:10:04 +0100
I have added few printers over there and everything is working fine. I can also able to add - delete - modify any printers from “yast2 printer” command. I can also able to browse cups web interface via http://cups:631, but when I am going to manage the printers (start - stop - delete etc), none of the buttons are working in firefox5 not even in IE also. Older version of firefox is giving error as “This address uses a network port which is normally used for purposes other than Web browsing. Firefox has canceled the request for your protection.” All other buttons are working properly.
- LINUX - LINUX Printing - OK
While giving printing from Windows machine (Printer attached on Linux), there is no problem to coonect the printers, but unable to print.
Can anyone please help me out to resolve the issue? If any log or anything needed, I will provide the details.
- I have installed cups 1.3.9 over OpenSuse11 x86.
You have openSUSE11 installed? That is well past the supported date. Is there a reason you’re not yet using 11.3/11.4? I can’t remember the CUPS version it used by default. How did you install CUPS? (By rpm,or compiling from source)?
I have added few printers over there and everything is working fine. I can also able to add - delete - modify any printers from “yast2 printer” command. I can also able to browse cups web interface via http://cups:631, but when I am going to manage the printers (start - stop - delete etc), none of the buttons are working in firefox5 not even in IE also.
This could well be to do with a mis-configured /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file (part of the CUPS RPM). The CUPS admin policies are set there.
Dear Deano,
Thanks for the reply…
I have installed CUPS via RPM. Posting the settings I have done on cupsd.conf. Can you please let me know my mistakes?
cups:/etc/cups # vi cupsd.conf
MaxLogSize 2000000000
LogLevel info
SystemGroup sys root
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
DefaultAuthType Basic
#Port 631
Include /etc/cups/cupsd.listen.conf
Include /etc/cups/cupsd.location.conf
Include /etc/cups/cupsd.policy.conf
<Location />
Allow all
Allow all
Allow all
Allow all
Order allow,deny
Allow all
<Location /admin>
Allow all
Allow all
Order allow,deny
Allow all
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Allow all
Allow all
Order allow,deny
Allow all
2011-07-21,10:48:37 modify_cupsd_conf Listen localhost
Listen localhost:631
Also posting the settings of cupsd.policy.conf -
If you would like to create your own policy, please do so in a different
include file and set the DefaultPolicy directive. Please do not forget to
verify your custom policies after an upgrade.
<Policy default>
Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an adminstrator…
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
Require user @OWNER
Require group printadmins
Order deny,allow
Satisfy any
All administration operations require an adminstrator to authenticate…
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Basic
Require group printadmins
Order deny,allow
Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job…
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
Require user @OWNER
Require group printadmins
Order deny,allow
Satisfy any
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow