Problem with compiz-fusion install via 1 click

Dear all,

I have installed opensuse 11.1 x86 KDE on my laptop, and when i try to install compiz fusion from “install via 1 click”, i will get the following warings

compizconfig-settings-manager-0.8.2-3.18.i586 requires compiz=0.8.2, but this requirement cannot be provided

compiz-kde-0.7.8-10.6.i586 requires compiz = 0.7.8, but this requirement cannot be provided

I have tried to install them by ignoreing some dependencies, but
compiz fusion didnt work :’(

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?



If you could provide us with the whole message output so that we can see what your choices are, we may be able to help.

Otherwise you could just add the repositories and then select the packages yourself.

I’ve explained the new one click installer here New Compiz Repositories - openSUSE Forums

There’s one more repository I didn’t list there
Index of /repositories/devel:/tools:/building/openSUSE_11.1

You’ll need to install these packages
compiz-plugins-extra (for extra effects like animations)

all you’ll need the devel-tools repository for is

which it will automatically do.

Anyways, just install those then check out that post I pointed to and that’ll get your compiz up and running.

Hope this helps!


hi Ian ,

Thank you for the reply.

I have tried to install compiz from 1 click again, then when the waring message shows up, i have tried to select different version of compiz-kde, then it worked.


Glad it worked out for you!

welcome to openSUSE!


Hi Ian,

I have a problem with desktop cube now.

When I try to enable desktop cube by clicking the check box of
“Desktop cube”, the check mark wont show up, so i cant enable
cube effect now.

When i switch the windows manager from kwin to compiz, the number of desktop shows on the right side of start up icon will reduce from 4 to 1.

Do i have to make any changes before i can enable desktop cube effect?


Hi, you might want to open Yast Software Management and reinstall


Once you do this then right click on the pager widget (the one that went to 1) and then click configure desktops. Click the number of desktops down to 1. Then restart your computer.

When it starts up it should show that you have 4 desktops and you should be able to use the cube.


hi Ian,

I have tried done the steps in your post, and after I have restarted my computer, I still only see 1 desktop.
but when I check the settings in Pager widget it shows 4 desktops…

Is there other things that I could try?

Thank you


Try opening up CompizConfig Settings Manager (CCSM) and under the category General, choose General Options. Click on the Desktop Size tab and make sure the Horizontal Virtual Size is set to 4. Vertical Virtual Size and Number of Desktops should be set at 1.

Hope this helps!


Hi Ian,

After adjusting the settings, it shows 4 desktops in compiz now.
But i am still not able to enable the desktop cube effect :frowning:

I wonder if I am missing some settings…

Thank you

open up a terminal (konsole). What does

compiz --version

give you?

This is the infomation.

compiz 0.8.2

Thank you

okay so you have the latest one.

Now try this in a terminal

rpm -qa --last "*compiz*"

you can just copy and paste it.


This is what I got.

compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2-9.8 Sat 04 Apr 2009 01:58:25 PM JST
compizconfig-settings-manager-0.8.2-3.18 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:16:11 PM JST
python-compizconfig-0.8.2-2.18 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:14:34 PM JST
libcompizconfig-0.8.2-7.18 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:11:34 PM JST
compiz-manager-0.0.1_git080201-58.1 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:11:14 PM JST
compiz-0.8.2-77.15 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:11:02 PM JST
compiz-kde-0.8.2-77.15 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:08:30 PM JST
compiz-branding-openSUSE-0.8.2-77.15 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:07:28 PM JST
compiz-emerald-0.8.2-1.18 Sat 04 Apr 2009 12:07:17 PM JST

Thank you

Well you have all the packages. Newer versions than I do. I’m going to update and see if anything’s broken on mine.

Meanwhile, what type of graphics card are you using?


I have
Geforce 9300M GS with180.44 driver.

Thank you

Do you have everything configured correctly for your driver? Can you use Kwin’s Desktop effects?

Yes I could use Kwin desktop effect.

Desktop cube effect is working in Kwin but not in compiz.

Great…my computer just froze while updating…Luckily I have this live usb. Anyways, I’m not sure what else to try other than reverting back to the old repository for compiz.

Delete these repositories:
Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.1
Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.1_KDE4_Factory
Index of /update/11.1
Index of /repositories/devel:/tools:/building/openSUSE_11.1

and use this one.
Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.1

After you’ve deleted those others and added this one, go to Yast Software Management and search for compiz. Right click on a package then click All in This List>Update Unconditionally.

Check back to make sure that the other compiz is installed (0.7.8) or something like that, as long as it’s lower than 8.2. If it isn’t just manually check the packages and install.

Fire up Compiz and see if that works.

If that’s too much trouble, Kwin has a lot of the effects that compiz has and it already works for you.

Good Luck,

Hi Ian,

I have installed 0.7.8, but it still give me troubles, so i will
stop trying for now.

thanks for all the help.


Is it still not letting you use desktop cube or is it giving you different problems?
