when I try to copy files from ftp server, at some moment speed falls to 0, i recive message “copy stalled” and my system frozen.
I used Opensuse 11.2 (kernel linux 2.6.31). Some people advise me to upgrade the kernel. I upgraded it to linux-2.6.34, but it did not fixe a problem.
Copying from ftp is very important for me, i like opensuse, but if i will not fixe this problem, i will must to change the OS.
Are you doing:
Have you tried ssh
In gnome - nautilus, connect to server
In kde dolphin
Enable secure shell in the firewall first on the server
there is nothing wrong (that i’m aware of) with up or downloading
files via FTP with openSUSE…
it is either some corrupted code on your machine, or a networking
problem between your machine and the distant machine…
so, some questions:
how do you download?
what program(s) are you using to download?
are you behind a proxy? in an office/dorm/university/business or ISP
with (maybe) a policy which throttles or caps your bits at a certain
level? -
if you put in an openSUSE 11.2 Live CD and boot from it, do you have
the same problem you are having with your openSUSE 11.2 -
are you having any other network or desktop problems?
is your openSUSE 11.2 fully updated and not overloaded with
conflicting repos? to show us that, please copy and paste the results
of the below along with your answers to above:
zypper lr -d
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio
I tryed to copy in all window managers - in KDE, Gnome. I used many ftp clients - but the result is the same. What about samba connection - it seems that it has the same problem. What can does it mean?
-i download using krusader, dolphin, nautilus, ftp and wget
-i switched off my proxy, but it did not help
-i have no live CD with Suse to check this theory
-i have no any network problem (inet work well)
–about conflict repository:
1 | Banshee | Banshee | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/Banshee/openSUSE_11.2 |
2 | Compiz | Compiz | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/X11:/XGL/openSUSE_11.2 |
3 | Comunity | Comunity | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.2 |
4 | Contrib | Contrib | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/openSUSE:/11.2:/Contrib/standard |
5 | Emulators | Emulators | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/Emulators/openSUSE_11.2 |
6 | Factory | Factory | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.2 |
7 | Factory_OSS | Factory OSS | No | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /factory/repo/oss |
8 | Factory_non_OSS | Factory non OSS | No | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /factory/repo/non-oss |
9 | Java | Java | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/Java:/packages/openSUSE_11.2 |
10 | KDE_BackPorts | KDE BackPorts | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/KDE:/Backports/openSUSE_11.2 |
11 | KDE_Core | KDE Core | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/STABLE:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.2 |
12 | Mozilla | Mozilla | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.2 |
13 | Non_OSS | Non OSS | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/non-oss |
14 | OSS_main | OSS main | Yes | Yes | 99 | yast2 | Index of /distribution/11.2/repo/oss |
15 | PackMan | PackMan | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /suse/11.2 |
16 | Update | Update | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /update/11.2 |
17 | Wine | Wine | Yes | Yes | 99 | rpm-md | Index of /repositories/Emulators:/Wine/openSUSE_11.2 |
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/master
alex alex alex wrote:
> --about conflict repository: [snip]
see this posting of mine from a few days ago, i’m sure it applies to
your problem as well:
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio