Problem running a shell script

I want to run a program called VisitPC a cross platform remote desktop client and server I downloaded from sourceforge.
visitpc | Download visitpc software for free at

When I use dolphin and click the file " " I get a dialog

" There is no specialized application for files of the type shell script (application/x-shellscript).
The file can be opened in a more generic application as file type plain text document (text/plain), or you can try to install a specialized application for file type shell script (application/x-shellscript).
Do you want to try to install a specialized application? "

with two buttons install & cancel.

When I click install I get a progress bar checking for additional software then another dialog
" The software to install could not be found in the currently enabled software repositories.It may be located in other repositories.
See openSUSE: 安裝其他的軟體 for details.
Do you want to configure your repositories? "
with yes / no buttons selecting yes brings up yast software repositories dialog.

Running the command in console returns
" If ‘’ is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf "

What do I need to run this Java App.

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 21:06:02 +0530, BoloMarkIII
<> wrote:

> I want to run a program called VisitPC a cross platform remote desktop
> client and server I downloaded from sourceforge.
> ‘visitpc | Download visitpc software for free at
> (
> When I use dolphin and click the file " " I get a
> dialog
> " There is no specialized application for files of the type shell
> script (application/x-shellscript).
> The file can be opened in a more generic application as file type plain
> text document (text/plain), or you can try to install a specialized
> application for file type shell script (application/x-shellscript).
> Do you want to try to install a specialized application? "
> with two buttons install & cancel.

i’ve never heard of this application, but what you describe looks as if
the file isn’t executable. you can do this either via
dolphin or konqueror, by right-clicking on the file, ->properties ->
permissions, and checking the option “is executable”. otherwise you can
open a terminal to the directory the file resides and type “chmod u+x”.

after that it should be possible to start the launcher, from dolphin or
from a terminal. (note: if your terminal is in the same directory as the
script, you’ll have to type “./” to get the file to
