Problem reading HD Maxtor Portable Basic in openSUSE 11.1

Hi there, I’m a new openSUSE user, currently using openSUSE 11.1 KDE 4. I have problem accessing my external HD (Maxtor Portable Basic 120 GB formatted with ntfs filetype). Dolphin show error messages like this:

“an error occurred while accessing volume (ntfs); the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure: TODO: have to rethink extra options”.

I don’t have any idea what’s going on… Before this, I’m using Kubuntu 8.10 and it can read/write my HD. I also already installed the ntfs/3g driver… Please kind sire, help me with this problem… ps: sorry for the bad english :stuck_out_tongue:

This is a bug in 11.1 RC1. It impacts both KDE3 and KDE4 (I don’t know if it affects Gnome, but I suspect it does).

Reference this bug report: Access Denied
which was reported as resolved reference this bug report:
Access Denied

Its not clear to me if there is to be a fix for this in 11.1 GM. I think we need to wait until 11.1 GM and see if there is? In the mean time, it is relatively easy to mount the drive manually via an exact mount command from a konsole. If you need guidance on how to do that, just reply/post here, and we can explain how.

I really need that guidance… If you don’t mind…

My approach would be to follow the openSUSE convention of mounting MS-Windows formated drives under /windows/C, /windows/D … etc … So I recommend you create a mount point called /windows/X. You can do that by typing:su -c 'mkdir /windows/X’You will need root permissions to create the directory, but after creating, you could also change its permissions to drwxrwxrwx and ownership to yourself.

… (also note, you may need to create /windows first, if it does not already exist).

Now open a konsole. Plug in your USB hard drive or flash drive. You now have to try and identify it. Type “su” (no quotes and enter root password) to get root permissions, and then type:fdisk -l #note that is a lower case ‘L’ and not a one.

From that you should be able to see if your USB drive is /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc or /dev/sdd or what ever. Lets say it shows up as /dev/sdb and it is a NTFS USB device. Try the following to mount it (from an konsole with root permissions, i.e. type “su” first to get root permissions) : mount -t ntfs-3g -o rw,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=0022 /dev/sdb1 /windows/X … you should now have read/write access to your USB device mounted under /windows/X.

when you wish to remove the device, you should first unmount it with:
umount /dev/sdb1

note, I am also assuming you have libfuse and ntfs-3g installed (they should be installed by default)

Thanks alot… I can confirm that this methods work for me. But in my case, I have to do this everytime I mount-unmount the external drive, is it normal, or is it just me?

There is a bug here. Myself and others wrote a bug report.

Doing this manually is a pain, but its not as difficult as it appears. I have the world’s worst memory, and I can never remember the syntax for the command. But what I do remember is typing “history” will provide a list of past commands, and one can use “grep” as a filter. … and hence I always, plug in my driver, and then type:
history | grep mount
and that will list the command I used to mount the drive last. I simply copy and paste that and send it again.