i want to install supportpack HP on Opensuse 11.3 but it is not possible because of the version of libsnmp
so i try to compile the source version 5.4.3 ....it compile
so I do a RPM for 64 bit
the snmp server works fine and the libsnmp15 is present:
jluce@web6:~> rpm -qa|grep snmp
jluce@web6:~> rpm -q -l libsnmp15-5.4.3-1.x86_64
ldconfig -v|grep snmp
libnetsnmp.so.15 -> libnetsnmp.so.15.1.2
libsnmp.so.15 -> libsnmp.so.15.1.2
libnetsnmphelpers.so.15 -> libnetsnmphelpers.so.15.1.2
libnetsnmptrapd.so.15 -> libnetsnmptrapd.so.15.1.2
libnetsnmpagent.so.15 -> libnetsnmpagent.so.15.1.2
libnetsnmpmibs.so.15 -> libnetsnmpmibs.so.15.1.2
but when i want to install the hp-snmp agent it say me there is no libsnmp
web6:/home/jluce/psp # rpm -i --test hp-snmp-agents- error: Failed dependencies:
libnetsnmp.so.15 is needed by hp-snmp-agents-
libnetsnmpagent.so.15 is needed by hp-snmp-agents-
libnetsnmphelpers.so.15 is needed by hp-snmp-agents-
libnetsnmpmibs.so.15 is needed by hp-snmp-agents-
web6:/home/jluce/psp #
any idea ??
thanks for all