Problem mounting samba partition after upgrading

Hello I upgraded opensuse to its latest version. After the upgrade I can not any more mount my remote folder.

I contacted network administrator and informed that there was no change in the network operation.

my /etc/fstab entry is:

//ip.address/folder/Documents /home/username/Documents/server_documents cifs credential=/home/username/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=100,auto,user
  • .smbcredential file has the following permissions “-rw-------”
  • This entry was working fine until the date I upgraded my system.

Now this folder is not booted during boot time and when I try to do it manually I receive the following message:

username@hostname:~> mount (omitted for security)
This program is not installed setuid root -  "user" CIFS mounts not supported.
username@hostname:~> sudo mount (omitted)
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)

dmesg also returnes the following error code:

CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -113

This is a wrong address: //ip.address/folder/Documents
Network addresses can only be two words like this: //ip.address/sharename

I would like to thank you for your help
but this one in command line works

mount //138.XXX.XXX.X/folder/Documents /home/folder/Documents/ -t cifs -o username=username,password=password,uid=1000,gid=1000

so what else might be the problem?

Best Regards

This might be gid=1000 → 100, maybe just a detail/typo but try with gid=100.

If the mount works with command line then I think the network is coming on line after the mounts are run according to fstab. If the network is a few seconds slower than the execution of fstab, the mount will fail.

So create a file called after.local
and put this code in it:

#! /bin/sh
mount -a

and place it at location /etc/init.d/after.local
and make it executable with this command:

sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/after.local

That will make fstab re-execute at the end of the boot process: any mounts that haven’t already executed (but it should make it happen in runlevel 5 when the network is up).

Reference: A permanent mount fails at boot time – Is something delaying the network at boot time?

That might help, maybe.

Thank you very much for your post.
Actually it seems there is something wrong with my /etc/fstab

// /home/pub/Documents/Documents-pub cifs credentials=/home/pub/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=100,auto

// /home/pub/Documents/Documents-pub cifs username=uname,password=password,uid=1000,gid=100,auto

The first one with the .smbcredentials do not work in the sense that I get a prompt for password that I do not want to.
while the second one with username and password works.

The .smbcredentials contents are

ll .smbcredentials 
-rw------- 1 pub users 32 2010-09-30 12:26 .smbcredentials

There is a bug in the implementation of the credentials file for cifs in openSUSE 11.3.
Here’s the bug report:

They say it’s fixed and an update has been released. Try a full online update and see if it really is fixed – let us know the outcome.

I have the similar problem. It is possible to mount shared folder using:
mount.cifs <remotetarget> <dir> -o <options>
but after reboot there is no mounted folder any more. Mount.cifs needs root password. How to add this line to the autostart?

Permanent cifs mounts can be “autostarted” by putting an entry in the filesystem table (fstab), details here: Samba: HowTo Mount a CIFS Network Share [AKA Map Network Drive] in openSUSE 11 plus FAQs
Like this:

<remotetarget> <dir>   cifs   <options including credentials>   0 0

Just to update this! I updated by using yast and now the problem is solver (Just to mention that the online update could not find any updates, thus I opened software managements and found all samba packets and selected update them for each single package separaretely)…


Ah – thanks for the confirmation, was wondering.