Hallo Gemeinde,
das in Spyder aufgerufene Programm (aus: H. P. Langtangen, Python Scripting for Computational Science, Third edition):
#!/usr/bin/env python
“”“Simple demo of the Pmw.Blt.Graph widget.”""
import Pmw, Tkinter, string, random
class BltDemo1:
def init(self, parent):
self.master = parent
self.ncurves = 3 # number of curves
self.npoints = 20 # number of points on each curve
# it is advantegous to store (x,y) data in
# Pmw.Blt.Vector objects
# use one x vector to hold the x coordinates of all
# the self.ncurves curves:
self.vector_x = Pmw.Blt.Vector()
# use a list of y vectors(0:self.ncurves-1):
self.vector_y = [Pmw.Blt.Vector() for y in range(self.ncurves)]
self.fill_vectors() # fill the vectors with data for testing
# make graph widget:
self.g = Pmw.Blt.Graph(self.master, width=500, height=300)
self.g.pack(expand=True, fill='both')
# define a list of colors for the various curves:
colors = 'red','yellow','blue','green','black','grey']
# plot each curve:
# the x coordinates are in self.vector_x
# the y coordinates are in self.vector_y*
for i in range(self.ncurves):
curvename = 'line' + str(i)
curvename, # used as identifier
xdata=self.vector_x, # x coords
ydata=self.vector_y*, # y coords
color=colors*, # linecolor
linewidth=1+i, # (progressively thicker lines)
dashes='', # '': solid, number: dash
label=curvename, # legend
symbol='', # no symbols at data points
self.g.configure(title='My first BLT plot')
self.g.yaxis_configure(min=0, max=8)
self.buttons = Pmw.ButtonBox(self.master,
self.buttons.pack(fill='both', expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
# add buttons:
self.buttons.add('Move points',command=self.animate)
self.buttons.add('Postscript', command=self.postscript)
self.buttons.add('Grid on', command=self.g.grid_on)
self.buttons.add('Symbols', command=self.symbols)
self.buttons.add('Smooth', command=self.smooth)
self.buttons.add('Quit', command=self.master.quit)
self.buttons.alignbuttons() # nice loook...
def symbols(self):
"""Turn on symbols (diamonds) at all points."""
# get the names(identifiers) of all curves in the graph:
curvenames = self.g.element_show()
# foreach curve, add a diamond symbol, filled with the
# color of the curve ('defcolor') and with a size of 2:
for curvename in curvenames:
self.g.element_configure(curvename, symbol='diamond',
outlinewidth=2, fill='defcolor')
def smooth(self):
"""Smooth the curves by cubic spline interpolation."""
for curvename in self.g.element_show():
self.g.element_configure(curvename, smooth='natural')
def fill_vectors(self):
"""Fill Pmw.Blt vectors with (random) values."""
# use random numbers for generating plot data:
random.seed(9) # fix the seed for testing
for index in range(self.npoints):
self.vector_x.append(index) # x coordinates
for y in range(self.ncurves):
def animate(self,delay=100):
"""Adjust curves randomly, in an animated fashion."""
curves = self.g.element_show()
for index in range(self.npoints):
for y in range(self.ncurves):
self.vector_y[y][index] = random.uniform(0,8)
# changing vector_y[y] affects the graph directly,
# but not until the function returns
# introduce a delay and call update (to force Tk to update
# pending events, i.e., here the graph)
def postscript(self):
"""Generate a hardcopy of the plot in PostScript."""
if name == ‘main’:
root = Tkinter.Tk()
import scitools.misc; scitools.misc.fontscheme1(root) # our own fonts…
root.title(‘Simple Pmw.Blt.Graph demo’)
blt = BltDemo1(root)
bricht nur in openSuSE 13.2, nicht in Ubuntu Mate 14.04, nicht in LMDE Mate 2 (Betsy) ab mit der Meldung
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In [1]: runfile(’/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui/plotdemo_blt.py’, wdir=’/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui’)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<ipython-input-1-b712a1e5d8a6>”, line 1, in <module>
runfile(’/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui/plotdemo_blt.py’, wdir=’/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui’)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/sitecustomize.py”, line 580, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)
File “/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui/plotdemo_blt.py”, line 105, in <module>
blt = BltDemo1(root)
File “/run/media/hb/FLASHKEY/Python/Langtangen/scripting/src/py/gui/plotdemo_blt.py”, line 16, in init
self.vector_x = Pmw.Blt.Vector()
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_3_3/lib/PmwBlt.py”, line 110, in init
self.tk.call(_vectorCommand, ‘create’, self._name)
TclError: invalid command name “::blt::vector”
Ich schicke diese Mitteilung an Euch, obwohl der Fehler auch in Python, d.h. in python-pmw oder in python-scitools stecken kann oder in KDE - keine Ahnung.
Helmut Büch.***