Problem MBR - hang on boot with GRUB.


I want to create an identical backup-system from an opensuse-42.1.
The system is installed on a 500GB disk /dev/sda.
/dev/sda1 is mounted as /boot
/dev/sda2 is swap
/dev/sda3 is /

The backup medium is a 1TB-USB drive mounted on /mnt.
To backup the MBR I type
dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/mbr.img bs=512 count=1
To backup the system I type:
dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/mnt/sda1.img
dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/mnt/sda3.img

The target system also has a 500GB disk installed.
I boot ‘gparted’ from a life usb-stick, and the 1TB-USB drive is mounted on /mnt.
lsblk [FONT=arial]shows /dev/sda[/FONT]

To resotore MBR:
dd if =/mnt/mbr.img of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
After this and a refresch of gparted it shows the partitions:
Now I restore the system:
dd if=/mnt/sda1.img of=/dev/sda1
dd if=/mnt/sda3.img of=/dev/sda3

I also set the UUID of all 3 target partitions to the same value as on the source partitions.

Now I reboot the system and I see


in the upper left corner of the screen and thats it.
The system does not boot.

Any hints what I’m missing?

Thanks for reading

By default UUID is used to identify partitions these can change sometimes so look at /etc/fstab and /dev/disk/by-uuid and see if the ids match

Yes, I’ve checked it: target UUID is the same as source UUID.

I also set the UUID of all 3 target partitions to the same value as on the source partitions.

as I stated in my post.

If GRUB was installed in MBR, the actual binary is located in post MBR gap which is outside of any partition. You did not preserve this space.

With dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr+boot.img bs=64KB I saved the first 64 KiB of the source device and restored it on the target device.

Now the system boots - then loops with immediately rebootig…

What is the appropriate procedure to backup mbr and grub bootcode?

If system boots then bootloader obviously worked and you have some other problem.

Issue solved with using bs=1M for saving mbr+boot code.