Hi … I’m having some trouble installing Xen on openSuse 12.3. I started out with installing kernel-xen. The first thing I noticed was that the grub2 configuration menu didn’t update automatically. No biggie there ( would be nice if it would automatically generate itself ):
I noticed on the newly created grub file, pasted here SUSE Paste, that there is a reference to a nonexistent file:
multiboot /boot/xen.gz placeholder
When booting with this default config the process fails saying that this file doesn’t exist. I assumed it references another file called vmlinux-3.7.10-1.1-xen.gz on the same /boot dir, so I renamed it to xen.gz. I managed to bypass the last error but now I’m stuck with an error I haven’t been able to fix. When booting I get a message saying error: no multiboot header found.
Although I haven’t tracked 32-bit support, it’s not surprising. All virtualization today should be on 64-bit except very special situations (eg 32-bit only hardware).
That showed the Virtualization section, but not the “Install Hypevisor and Tools”. I’m trying to download a 64-bit openSuse version to try and see if that does the trick. Maybe it would be nice to remove any kernel-xen related packages in the 32bit repos to avoid this sort of confusion. If users have to end up tweaking manually some things, seeing the operating system trying to “manage” it on its own gives a somewhat false sense of security, and can be misleading …