I’m trying to install Suse 11.1 Gnome from the live CD. My computer is an Intel P4 2.4Ghz with onboard graphics (82845G). After I choose the Live SUSE option at the start up screen, the installation proceeds upto when it says ‘configuring X sever’. At this point the screen blinks a couple of times followed by strange graphics, like blue and green vertical scan lines that cover the wholescreen. The screen keeps blinking throughout. I wait for the thing to get over but the installation doesn’t proceed any further from here and I have to reboot. I tried the other options at the start up screen, like the failsafe option as well selecting VESA from the resolution menu but to no avail. I have also checked the md5 of the iso I burned to the CD, it matches the given value.
I have absolutely no idea what’s happening here! Any help will be much appreciated.
I had installed Ubuntu 8.10 the other day and that too got stuck at login. There’s was some Compiz related bug that was causing the problem. So I uninstalled Compiz at login and everything was fine. Ubuntu is no longer on my HDD though, I’m doing a clean install of SUSE besides XP. Guess my onboard graphics is the culprit here, but how do I get around it?
There should be an option to deselect automatic configuration early on in the install process. This should allow you to setup X manually during install. I would have thought Vesa should work.
Using a DVD to install, you have an option to install in text mode, I’m not sure if this is available on the CD. So another possibility maybe?
Ok, I went through this thread here which deals with something quite similar to my problem. However when I type “3” (without quotes) at the boot options screen and press enter it doesn’t take me to a login prompt. Instead kernel begins to load. What am I doing wrong here?
Also, by pressing Esc at the boot options screen I can get to text mode. But how do I go from there?
When you boot the live cd move the down arrow to pause any default timer and go to the default openSUSE 11.1 boot. One of the F keys like F3 will bring all the kernel arguments into view lower down the boot menu screen. When you have this, backspace everything out and just put the number 3
I have never used a cd so be kind to me on this.
I see from the comments in the thread above login as root, which will if I understand correctly be
then nothing for password - so just enter
I tried to follow what you said, but I’m still unable to get to that login prompt. If I press Esc at the the boot options screen I can go to text mode, wherein there is a command “boot:” (without quotes). I wonder if there’s any way from here. If I try to type “3” at the boot options screen and press enter the setup merely continues further, loading the kernel and so on, ultimately hanging up while configuring Xserver.
I’ve been going through various posts here and it sems like the only thing I’ve done a bit differently from others is that I’ve burnt the image to disc at 48x. Could that be a problem?
Ran the mediacheck. It reports 100%. Guess that means it’s ok.I’m going to try a few things maybe even virtualising Suse in Windows. I’ll report what happens.