Problem installing on Asus laptop

Hi all,

Im having problems to install opensuse 11.0 on a Asus X83Vm-X1. The SATA controller is intel ICH9M IIRC. The installer hangs while trying to detect hard drive. After a while, it says it cannot find the install media.

I tested the same media on another PC and it worked ok, so I guess its not a bad disk. I also downloaded the 11.1 beta3 and although the installer passes the initial loading, it fails later looking for hard drives (hangs forever I guess, I waited 10 mins).

Both versions I tried are 64 bit, which should work since the processor is a core2 duo P8400. The machine is running windows vista 64 bit just fine, so I suppose its not a hardware problem either (its brand new).

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

The installer hangs while trying to detect hard drive.

how you understand this?

is you try livecd(dvd)? what happens…

HCL/Laptops/Asus - openSUSE
your laptop is not in base

google linux has know anything about yours laptop bad sign
X83Vm-X1 - Google Search

you should make list of hardware in laptop and find where is a problem…

for the first install it is bad idea to look at any 11.1 beta…

how you understand this?

is you try livecd(dvd)? what happens…

It runs but I cannot install from it. Gives the same error.

HCL/Laptops/Asus - openSUSE
your laptop is not in base

google linux has know anything about yours laptop bad sign
X83Vm-X1 - Google Search

This is a brand new laptop, a new model. Thats probably why.

you should make list of hardware in laptop and find where is a problem…

for the first install it is bad idea to look at any 11.1 beta…

I know, but since 11.0 didnt install, I gave the beta a run to see if it solved the problem. Guess not yet.

Thanks for the answer anyway.

Just one bump. Anyone please?

Just a small update. It seems theres a problem with the DVD drive and linux. The DVD works perfectly on windows, so I suppose its not a hardware problem.

I installed 11.0 using a flash drive and all went ok. The mobo has a ICH9-M chipset and after install, I cannot use the DVD. Still, better than nothing.

I read about someone who had the same problem trying to install fedora 8 (

Im still puzzled by this, specially since no one else had this problem. I hope next kernel fixes this problem. Thanks.

For the record, last update: theres an IDE compatibility option in the BIOS. If I use it, the DVD will work fine.