problem installing Gimp


I have OpenSuSE 15.1 on two laptops. On one, I have Gimp (2.8.22) installed and it works perfectly. On the other, where I have more recently installed OpenSuSE, I am trying to install Gimp and all I get is Gimp 2.10, which fails to run after I have installed it saying it needs GLib 2.56.2 or higher. I can’t find any GLib 2.56.2 or higher for 15.1. This is leaving me shouting, swearing and hitting my head against a wall!!! Can someone tell me how to get Gimp 2.10 up and running on OpenSuSE 15.1, or how I can get 2.8.22 somewhere (which I have failed to find).


You fail to explain how you have installed.

As it is in the OSS repo, just using YaST >Software > Software Manager, use the search function and then install it would be a standard way of doing it.
Same for

zypper in gimp

if you prefer that.

I see version 2.8.22-lp151.4.6 on the OSS repo. When you get different you either do this willingly from another source, or you have added other repos which has that version and not paid attention to where you are installing from.

This is my set:

boven:~ # zypper search -si gimp
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                | Type    | Version           | Arch   | Repository
i | gimp                | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i | gimp-help           | package | 2.8.2-lp151.3.3.1 | noarch | Main Update Repository
i | gimp-help-nl        | package | 2.8.2-lp151.3.3.1 | noarch | Main Update Repository
i | gimp-lang           | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | noarch | Main Repository (OSS)
i | gimp-plugin-aa      | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i | gimp-plugins-python | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i | libgimp-2_0-0       | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
i | libgimpui-2_0-0     | package | 2.8.22-lp151.4.6  | x86_64 | Main Repository (OSS)
boven:~ #

BTW, forgot to say: the name of the product you are using is openSUSE, not OpenSuSE. Just a bit different working with the Shift key.

It may look very minor, but for the same effort you can spell it correctly.

Thank you. Sorting out my repos did the trick. All the repos were 15.1 but somehow not quite right. I readded them and the 2.8 version was there.

On the spelling - I began typing years ago on a manual typewriter and my long fingers tend to be clumsy on a laptop keyboard, hence the open not Open. Also, I began with SuSE 8.1 many years ago when it was still SuSE - System und Software Entwicklung. I refuse to change. To me it will always by SuSE not SUSE.


gimp 2.10 is f.e. in the graphics Repo…

That is linking against openSUSE: factory…