Problem in running eclipse ID#


I downloaded “eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar” and used “tar -xvf eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar” command. I got “eclipse” folder, having “eclipse” executable file.

Now i typed “eclipse” in the command prompt, but it is not running.

The eclipse version is 3.5

The environment is Intel celeron 2.53ghz, i686, openSUSE 11.1(32-bit), JDK 6 (32-bit).

Please help me in running eclipse.

Thank you very much.

marcose wrote:

> I downloaded “eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar” and used “tar -xvf
> eclipse-jee-galileo-linux-gtk.tar” command. I got “eclipse” folder,
> having “eclipse” executable file.
> Now i typed “eclipse” in the command prompt, but it is not running.
> The eclipse version is 3.5
> The environment is openSUSE 11.1, JDK 6.

Is it a .jar file?

Usually, .jar files are runned by typing “java -jar eclipse.jar” and that’s
all (or just by double-clicking in the jar file) :slight_smile:

