problem before automatic configuration during instalation

hello everyone,

today i was installing opensuse 12.1 64bits on a desktop and after the instalation it would run the normal automatic configuration. well, instead, the screen got colorful and totally torn. i rebooted the computer and nothing wrong happened then, as i was directed to the user login screen. this computer has a geforce 8400gs videocard, the probable reason of the screen tearing before the automatic configuration. the system is working normally apparently.
i read that the automatic configuration is about recognizing hardware and so…but i ask, is there any problem if i leave it like that? (the computer will get through web configurations which aren’t made by me, so if i ever have to re-install the system the best moment would be now, to avoid future headaches for me and others). the hardware seems to be recognized well (seen on yast) and wireless is working normally and i already installed the nvidia driver. the monitor resolution is correct too. apparently the system is working as should be.
i ask you, is this automatic configuration step important? i would be glad to read any advice/experience.
i thank in advance,


It sounds like it’s OK to me
Many have had the same experience, including me. I lost display totally during the auto config, but I just left it for 10 mins as I could see it was working by the HD activity. I did have to force a reboot, but after that I had a normal login and was then able to install the nvidia driver.
So I guess the only question is, did you leave it long enough that the auto config would have finished? It seems like it, as you have confirmed all seems well. It doesn’t actually take 10 minutes, I was just playing safe. Probably closer to 2 minutes would be enough.
I wouldn’t worry about it though.

yes i gave enough time. i left the place for 20 min or half an hour, then i came back.
also, according to this page (i read it before starting the thread)
SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE
the normal simptoms would be black screen and wrong resolution, and i don’t experience any.
firstly i was thinking on re-installing the system, using the onboard graphic device, then i see how it goes, and afterwards i switch back to the nvidia videocard.
i will leave it like that then.
thank you for the help

No worries