problem after update Tumbleweed


I am an old user of opensuse since 2006, now use Tumbleweed GNOME

The problem begins after system update on May 26

1- Firefox no longer works
2- After logging onto Yast I can not open the repository and manage the programs.

I Found solution

sudo rpm -i --force
zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change
zypper update

Now I’m working on Firefox
But I can not longer access to:
1- program manager and repository
2- repository manager
3- Files manager
4- Libreoffice
5- Epiphany
What is the solution to this problem

solution to what?
did you originally run zypper dup without the no-allow-vendor-change
what graphic card and driver do you use?
post your repo list

zypper lr -d
1 | games                               | games                       | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | rpm-md | |       
2 | google                              | google                      | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | rpm-md |                  |       
3 | | openSUSE:Leap:42.2          | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | yast2  |        |       
4 | openSUSE-20170510-0                 | openSUSE-20170510-0         | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | yast2  |                     |       
5 | packman                             | packman                     | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | rpm-md |  |       
6 | repo-debug                          | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Debug   | لا   | ----          | ----  |   99     | NONE   |              |       
7 | repo-non-oss                        | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Non-Oss | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | yast2  |                |       
8 | repo-source                         | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Source  | لا   | ----          | ----  |   99     | NONE   |             |       
9 | repo-update                         | openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Update  | نعم  | (r ) نعم      | نعم   |   99     | rpm-md |                      |       

solution to what?

to run:
1- program manager and repository
2- repository manager
3- Files manager
4- Libreoffice
5- Epiphany

Note repo 3 is for 42.2 not tumbleweed. DO NOT MIX REPOS :open_mouth:

I deleted it, I do not know how it was added

did you originally run zypper dup without the no-allow-vendor-change = yes
what graphic card and driver do you use? = intel

then What :shame:

that was your problem zypper dup downloaded leap packages I’m amazed your system booted
the solution is 3 steps
#1 remove the leap repo

zypper rr 3

#2 do a full vendor change to the TW repo to get rid of LEAP packages (when you remove repo 3 repo 4 will become repo 3)

zypper dup --from 3

#3 do a full vendor change to packman to get multimedia working (packman is #5 but will become #4)

zypper dup --from 4

as a lot of system packages will change vendor a reboot is recommended

O:)Thank you so much
computer back like Ferrari

There are some outstanding problems

Solved this way

That was supposed to be done in step 3

#3 do a full vendor change to packman to get multimedia working (packman is #5 but will become #4)
zypper dup --from 4