I’m not much of an poster here, I had some problems 2 years back you can look up here
This time is somewhat similar.
In the meantime I have updated to 15.0 and to 15.1 - I also do apply all software updates if they are shown as available.
It started about 3 weeks back very similar to last time (I do NOT have multiple activities (desktops) anymore). Otherwise the system is pretty much the same.
2 different sized monitors
3x 1TB hard-drives
The rest you can see at attached system info screenshot.
It mostly happen when I either:
create a file (no matter if image, video or document) or folder, change a file or folder.
My machine almost seize, if I have a browser open or a folder I can browse/open files with right-click but NOT when I try to open applications by clicking the link/icon
Also I observed that basically all actives are freezing (clock/ torrent downloads), my core temperatures rise to 70Celsius, the machine is working very hard.
After maybe4-5 minutes everything is done. All applications I may have clicked open up, all files or folders I try to close before do now close.
The application launcher is in a “pulsing” mode again. If I try to open any fold-out menu it only shows for a fraction of a second.
Also the drag and drop files into applications like Kdenlive no more work. If I take a video file and drag over to Kden as soon as i reach the app it turns into a red X and file drop is a no-go
Any pointers/hints?
WHat info do you need me to post to assist you determine what might be the bug
Reformat/new install is NOT an option at all.
I use the machine daily at least 2-3 hours mainly to process/post/mail images or videos of clients from the respective days tour (I run a very, very small adven-tour / scuba enterprise). I do not game or run any type of “exotic” application
And please keep in mind: nothing has changed in regards of my English writing/grammar, it still suck. Same so with my geek vocabulary is very limited.
Thanks for your assistance.