Basic information:
OS: SuSE Linux 11.3
Logged in as user: ddavis (no special permissions)
User Group =100
User Home = /home/ddavis
User Name = ddavis
Development environment: Gambas2
File to print: myTEST_60447.pdf
File location: /home/ddavis/Upload
Permissions: rwx rwx rwx
p1 = Printer Name, value= Officejet_4500_G510g-m
fName = the name of the PDF file
The PDF was created by using ps2pdf and is readable and printable by Acroread.
I am developing a project using Gambas2 and I run into the following problem.
When executing the following shell command:
SHELL “lpr -P " & p1 & " -o PageSize=Letter -o PageRegion=Letter -o InputSlot=Auto -o ColorModel=RGB -o MediaType=Plain -o OutputMode=Normal” & fName
I receive the following error:
unable to access “myTest_60447.pdf” - No such file or directory.
The PRINTER variables are copied from the Acroread Printer Permissions, with p1 substituting the full printer name.
I tried to print this file by using the following path settings:
All combinations give the same result.
Where did I go wrong???
Your solution, or suggestion will be highly appreciated.
On 2010-12-03, skylineds <> wrote:
> Hello List,
> Basic information:
> OS: SuSE Linux 11.3
> Logged in as user: ddavis (no special permissions)
> User Group =100
> User Home = /home/ddavis
> User Name = ddavis
> Development environment: Gambas2
> File to print: myTEST_60447.pdf
> File location: /home/ddavis/Upload
> Permissions: rwx rwx rwx
> Variables:
> p1 = Printer Name, value= Officejet_4500_G510g-m
> fName = the name of the PDF file
> The PDF was created by using ps2pdf and is readable and printable by
> Acroread.
> I am developing a project using Gambas2 and I run into the following
> problem.
> When executing the following shell command:
> SHELL “lpr -P " & p1 & " -o PageSize=Letter -o PageRegion=Letter -o
> InputSlot=Auto -o ColorModel=RGB -o MediaType=Plain -o
> OutputMode=Normal” & fName
> I receive the following error:
> unable to access “myTest_60447.pdf” - No such file or directory.
Well, it says it can’t find your file. Have you tried giving it the full
path name to the file ?