Our company uses postscript to print documents from our POS system based on Java and everything was working fine up until we reached OpenSUSE 15.0+. We can print multiple copies of a document and everything is working fine on older distributions of OpenSUSE and CUPS.
WORKING: every distribution up until 42.3
When I select print multiple copies, only 1 copy is printed.
The problem is NOT happening on every printer, just a few so it’s quite random.
Anyone facing similar problems when switching to 15.0+ distribution associated with newer version of CUPS ver 2.x.x + ?
When I manually send a command to print the generated document twice, it works just fine.
But when I try to print it straight from our system, it prints only one copy. Has anything changed in CUPS processing of postscript ? Is anyone facing anything similar ?
The printer I am currently trying is Samsung M2020 and in the provided .PPD there is a mention “*cupsVersion:<->1.1”
Which probably means that this driver is old and should be but probably won’t be updated in order to work in newer versions of CUPS.
Another printer not working is Brother 2340 and Brother 2352. Both of these printers have Linux drivers dated back to 2015. Samsung is from 2017.
I will be thankfull for any suggestions. I am also ready to provide necessary log files if needed. Thank you and have a great day!
Thanks for your answer. How about backwards compatibility ? I understand the fact that CUPS moved from postscript to PDF, but shouldn’t it still provide backwards compatibility ?
Perhaps check the filter chain (using the cupsfillter command)… https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/537583-CUPS-1-x-to-2-x-problems-SOLVED
then run the filters by hand (as per the CUPS troubleshooting guide I linked to already). You could also compare the output (at each stage) with openSUSE 15.x perhaps. I can only speculate, but I wonder if changes to ghostscript processing may be impacting here?
I have managed to downgrade cups-filters 1.25.0-lp152.1.8 (OpenSUSE 15.1 repo) to 1.8.2-3.1 (from OpenSUSE 42.3 repo) and the print job now works correctly. Now to find out which one of those filters is doing the problem.
RASTERTOSPL - this one is not a part of cups-filters so this one is OK
So the problem most likely lies within the GSTOPDF filter. I have tried using the PSTOPDF filter from 1.8.2-3.1 along with GSTORASTER + PDFTOPDF from 1.25.0-lp152.1.8 and it works just fine, as long as I rename PSTOPDF → GSTOPDF.