Printer problem...

I’m trying to get my a Brother MFC-210C working in suse11.

under configure printer its recognized in “location” and description as being a Brother MFC-210C, which is correct. However, when I try to select its driver under “change model” (since there is no model listed in this space) I find an absence of the MFC-210C under model. I’m assuming this is where the driver would be located…

…yet I have the MFC210C driver downloaded according to yast and was told that it was already installed when i tried from Brother’s site.

Perhaps I’m missing something to do with CUPS? I’m not sure, I dont have a lot of experience setting up printers in linux.

When I try to print (in programs) the printer shows up as a selection…but nothing goes to the printer. Yet, I think I’ve downloaded the LNR or whatever its called driver…I guess the printer just isnt getting the info even though the suse sees it there…

Any help would be appreciated

edit: I’m running in 64 bit, btw.

you could try using this method I described
CUPS - Explained - openSUSE Forums

Make sure you have downloaded and installed both the lpr and cupswrapper packages before attempting to configure printing via the CUPS interface.

Ok, so I downloaded the cups and lpr drivers and installed them though terminal.


rpm -ivh brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm

Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
1:brmfcfaxcups ########################################### [100%]
Shutting down cupsd done
Starting cupsd done


rpm -ivh MFC210Clpr-1.0.2-1.i386.rpm

Preparing… ########################################### [100%]
package MFC210Clpr-1.0.2-1 is already installed


…i went to the CUPS homepage, under manage printers I see:

mfc210c (Default Printer) “CUPSToOmni: No pages printed!”

Description: Brother MFC-210C
Location: USB printer on //Brother/MFC-210C
Printer Driver: Brother MFC-4000/4500/5500, CUPS + omni
Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.
Device URI: usb://Brother/MFC-210C

…after installing CUPS this showed up:

BRFAX “Filter “brfaxfilter” for printer “BRFAX” not available: No such file or directory”

Description: BRFAX
Printer Driver: Brother BRMFCFAX for CUPS
Printer State: stopped, accepting jobs, published.
Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0

The mfc is a copy/scan/fax/printer…however I dont currently use the fax portion.

When I try to print, the print dialog comes up but nothing is indicated or happening with the actual printer.

Im limited on what I can do on the CUPS page bc, for some reason, when I enter my username and password nothing happens…the enter password/username dialog just pops back up…

I’m the only user on the computer and I’ve been entering my username and password that I use to log in to suse but it doesnt seem to be working…any ideas?

thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

Im limited on what I can do on the CUPS page bc, for some reason, when I enter my username and password nothing happens…the enter password/username dialog just pops back up…

I’m the only user on the computer and I’ve been entering my username and password that I use to log in to suse but it doesnt seem to be working…any ideas?

You need to be an administrator first. Try entering ‘root’ as username, and root password.

Yeah, I finally got the login right…root instead of login name…duh smacks forehead

So i deleted my printers in cups and unhooked it, rehooked it up and did “find new printers”

…it found the brother mfc and added it.

When I test print nothing happens with the printer and the print job just says “stopped” in cups.

also, cups is by default highlighting the mfc 4000/4500/5500 driver…can I assume this driver is sufficient or could this be the problem? As I said, i rpmed the lpr and cups for the mfc from brothers site and terminal says theyre already installed (they do not however show up when trying to select the driver in yast (but the 4000/4500/5500 does, so I tried that but no luck).

thisredbox wrote:

> Ok, so I downloaded the cups and lpr drivers and installed them though
> terminal.
> # rpm -ivh brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm
> Preparing… ###########################################
> [100%]
> 1:brmfcfaxcups ###########################################
> [100%]
> Shutting down cupsd
> done
> Starting cupsd
> done
> -LPR
> # rpm -ivh MFC210Clpr-1.0.2-1.i386.rpm
> Preparing… ###########################################
> [100%]
> package MFC210Clpr-1.0.2-1 is already installed
> so…
> …i went to the CUPS homepage, under manage printers I see:
> mfc210c (Default Printer) “CUPSToOmni: No pages printed!”
> Description: Brother MFC-210C
> Location: USB printer on //Brother/MFC-210C
> Printer Driver: Brother MFC-4000/4500/5500, CUPS + omni
> Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.
> Device URI: usb://Brother/MFC-210C
> …after installing CUPS this showed up:
> BRFAX “Filter “brfaxfilter” for printer “BRFAX” not available: No such
> file or directory”
> Description: BRFAX
> Location:
> Printer Driver: Brother BRMFCFAX for CUPS
> Printer State: stopped, accepting jobs, published.
> Device URI: usb:/dev/usb/lp0
> The mfc is a copy/scan/fax/printer…however I dont currently use the
> fax portion.
> When I try to print, the print dialog comes up but nothing is indicated
> or happening with the actual printer.
> Im limited on what I can do on the CUPS page bc, for some reason, when
> I enter my username and password nothing happens…the enter
> password/username dialog just pops back up…
> I’m the only user on the computer and I’ve been entering my username
> and password that I use to log in to suse but it doesnt seem to be
> working…any ideas?
> thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

As indicated on the cups webpage: (http://localhost:631)

If you are asked for a username and password, enter your login username and
password or the “root” username and password.

Try using “root” as a username, and root’s password.

L R Nix

Try using “root” as a username, and root’s password.

He’s already figured that out. Read his last post.

yeah, i can get access there, i just cant seem to get the info to the printer…even though its showing up in cups.

thisredbox wrote:

> Yeah, I finally got the login right…root instead of login name…duh
> smacks forehead
> So i deleted my printers in cups and unhooked it, rehooked it up and
> did “fid new printers”
> …it found the brother mfc and added it.
> When I test print nothing happens with the printer and the print job
> just says “stopped” in cups.
> also, cups is by default highlighting the mfc 4000/4500/5500
> driver…can I assume this driver is sufficient or could this be the
> problem? As I said, i rpmed the lpr and cups for the mfc from brothers
> site and terminal says theyre already installed (they do not however
> show up when trying to select the driver in yast (but the
> 4000/4500/5500 does, so I tried that but no luck).

Look here for instructions on installing the Brother drivers. It looks to me
that 210C uses different drivers to the ones listed above.

I installed a MFC-7820C on 10.2 using the Brother instruction & drivers, it went
smooth as silk. If I recall the Brother rpm does not install the cups wrapper
into the Brother folder, thus it is listed separately in CUPS.

PS. I checked what they had for the 210C and it looks like it defaults to USB
so if it’s not on a USB port that could also be your problem,
P. V.
Only fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


so…SOMEHOW…i downloaded the (im guessing) fax cups wrapper…(DOH!!:?)

so i went back in got the right wrapper…and had noticed through readings that i needed to move “brlpdwrapper” from /usr/lib/cups/filter/ to /usr/lib64/cups/filter/…since im in 64bit.


thank for all the help guys, at least this was a learning process.

its printing now…didnt look as high quality as in windows but i guess i can play around with it.

thanks again! :slight_smile: