thisredbox wrote:
> I’m trying to get my a Brother MFC-210C working in suse11.
> under configure printer its recognized in “location” and description as
> being a Brother MFC-210C, which is correct. However, when I try to
> select its driver under “change model” (since there is no model listed
> in this space) I find an absence of the MFC-210C under model. I’m
> assuming this is where the driver would be located…
> …yet I have the MFC210C driver downloaded according to yast and was
> told that it was already installed when i tried from Brother’s site.
> Perhaps I’m missing something to do with CUPS? I’m not sure, I dont
> have a lot of experience setting up printers in linux.
> When I try to print (in programs) the printer shows up as a
> selection…but nothing goes to the printer. Yet, I think I’ve
> downloaded the LNR or whatever its called driver…I guess the printer
> just isnt getting the info even though the suse sees it there…
> Any help would be appreciated
> edit: I’m running in 64 bit, btw. I dont know if this needs to go in
> the 64bit forum or not though.
Please try installing your printer using the CUPS system (vs. YaST). You
will need your root password.
With your browser of choice, bring up http://localhost:631
Go to ‘Administration’, ‘Add Printer’ (Hey, it’s on the main page too…
missed that!)
Give it a meaningful name, location, description (Mine usually consists
of “hp”, “Under the Desk”, “Stupid printer!”). The ‘name’ is the important
part, as that’s what you’ll see in programs when you choose to print.
Hmmm, I just searched brother’s site for some linux info… they have a page
showing how to install needed drivers… you’ve likely already been here:
And of course, a more detailed page (from the above page):
You will not likely need to set a password for the CUPS system (Notes, 3rd
entry), since OpenSUSE 11.0 has done that already. (user:root/pass:root’s
You may find that deleting the printer in YaST will help, as the system
won’t have any ‘preconceived notions’.
You may use the ‘For rpm users’ instructions to install the drivers.
openSuSE does not enable SELinux (by default), so you may skip that step.
You’ll want to configure the printer using the CUPS interface
(http://localhost:631) once it’s installed.
You may wish to delete all instances of your printer (CUPS and YaST) and
start anew. I’ve had issues with USB connected printers not communicating
I’ve found that deleting all the instances of the offending printer, then
unplugging the usb cable, and plugging it back in (with printer ON), causes
it to be redetected. I installed my printer four times before I figured
this out! Seems the very first detection wasn’t exactly right… whereas
the ‘unplug/replug with printer on’ created the proper usb links and
configuring printer to that (new) connection allowed it to work.
{Smile} Of course, your experiences may differ…
But I hope this helps, and you can get your printer working.
L R Nix