So, I have a HP DeskJet FP-300, and I have some problems configuring the default values. I put Letter as the default size of paper, nevertheless, the defaults are ignored when I try to print something in OO. How can I do this? Also, how can I put it in AdobeAcrobat reader to print in draft more? I suppose I have to add something in this line:
lpr -P deskjetf300series -o PageSize=Letter
But I don’t know what to add so it can print in draft mode.
If you want to alter the print resolution, use Edit> Print properties and, as long as it recognises your printer, you will be able to select the resolution you want.
At one time OO did not recognise the printer if it was off when OO was opened; I don’t know if that ‘bug/feature’ has been changed because I normally have the printer on before I open OO.
Alternatively, if you using KDE, you can export to PDF and change the print resolution using the KDE print dialogue in KPDF or Okular. Make sure the KDE print default is also Paper.
by making posts at a forum, more knowledgable folks also post, and we all learn in the process; if I make a suggestion or so:
to try to configure OpenOffice, one can try to set the default documents to your own needs:
[Tutorial] Creating a new default template (View topic) • Community Forum](
another pointer is to edit the spadmin file: mine is found by mining down: in a terminal as your user name, cd / and then find your spadmin file: mine is usr/lib/ooo-2.0/program/spadmin
I ran this by then typing cd to get back to home; cd / to then enable me to type in the full command of usr/lib/ooo-2.0/program/spadmin; you can then click on the top “properties” box and edit that;
for the printer, some would suggest opening your browser and typing in http://localhost631 as that should allow you to edit default settings in your printer;