Print to psc1100 over smb network

I have opensuse 12.2 one 64bit pc second pc 32bit.
I have setup the samba server on 64bit and connect the psc1100 to it.
On the 32bit computer I installed the samba client.
On the 32bit computer I installed the psc1100 printer as a network printer.
The smb server is found + the printer connected to that server is found too. The printer is added to the 32bit pc.

If I print on the 32bit pc the print job hangs. On the 64bit pc I don’t see the print job.

Any ideas what is wrong?

I suggest you want to read this page before you do anything else: Printer Sharing: Samba Print Server for Suse/openSUSE Linux & Windows Clients, go to the middle where it talks about sharing the printer from the server and then using the printer from the client. Check your smb.conf configurations based on what is shown there. Do this step first, please.

For information about setting up Samba SWAT, have a look here: &

Don’t forget to open up the right ports in your Firewall. My blogs talk about that. If you use my SWAT setup script, then go back and make sure the printer stuff your read first is added back. For manual edits of any system file including the smb.conf file, have a look at this blog:

Good Luck,