Prevent singleton.lock on Brave from constantly locking browser

Hello, I really want to know if there’s a way to disable the singleton.lock that permanently locks my Brave until I delete this file when for example I restart or log out my computer without closing Brave.

First action is to find out who is creating this singleton.lock.

Likely it is Brave itself, you should be able to determine that by checking before and after starting Brave.

If it is Brave, better open a support ticket with Brave.

Brave seems broken by design…

and countless more…

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Yeah it really much feels like it is. Literally every time I forget to close Brave and shut down or change hostnames or what not, I have to delete singleton.lock for it to work. It’s so annoying. I just want to know if I could just prevent it from happening. Seems like there’s no way at the moment.

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