Preparation for dual boot with WIN 10

Hi all,

Let me first quickly give you some context, to understand where I am in the process of moving to openSUSE.

A couple of weeks ago, out of curiosity and because of not being happy with Windows behaviour on this “old” computer, I decided to try Linux again (after some disappointments many years ago). I installed VMWare on Windows 10 and tried out several distro’s as virtual machines: MX Linux, Manjaro, openSUSE Leap 15.1 and Tumbleweed,… After playing around with them, Manjaro didn’t work out, I seriously crippled the Tumbleweed installation (my bad!) and I did not really like the XFCE of MX Linux. openSUSE never disappointed: good ease of use, yast tool and I personally like the clean, professional look of KDE Plasma. I got Google drive working, chromium, video playback, LibreOffice works just fine for some basic home usage, in short openSUSE LEAP 15.1 it will be. Next step is to install a dual boot on this machine, and really start using Linux daily.

My hardware : ATI Radeon HD5700 1 Gb DDR5 , AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2Ghz, 8 Gb Ram, connected to wired LAN network, 1 Tb hard disk (400Gb Free), BENQ screen 1920x1080.

Current partitions :

  1. 100 MB NTFS (53% free)
  2. 930 GB NTFS (47% free) – the windows C: => reduce by 330 GB ??
  3. 850 MB Repair Partitions (100% free) => delete ??

What I want to do :

  1. 100 MB NTFS (53% free)
  2. 600 GB NTFS (500 used, so 100 GB free) – the windows C:
  3. create / in ext4 30 Gb
  4. create /home ext4 284 Gb
  5. create swap 16 Gb

My questions:

  1. do I resize with windows disk partitioner or during the openSUSE install?
  2. I still don’t understand the warnings and issues in other posts around EFI / BIOS / MBR ? What do I need to do to succesfully install the GRUB2 bootloader?
  3. Is it safe to delete the windows repair partition ? (because I want to have my swap at the end of the disk)
  4. any other suggestions or remarks to my proposed partitions?


Disable the windows fastboot option in Windows10

Clear all the stale restore points to free up disk space.
Disable swap.
Disable hibernation.
Use Windows own resizer to reduce the size of C:

Doing all the above you might wind up with half or more of C: being freespace.

This is very dangerous, especially with a small RAM 8 GB.

To OP:
You can upgrade your system with Phenom II X6 + add RAM + SSD drive for a system partition.
SSD Samsung 860 Evo is incompatible with your system.
Maybe swap 16 GB is too big.

That advice, as given above, is only valid for Windows during the shrinking of the Windows partition. After that it is to be switched on in Windows again.

I have no idea why you think no swap is dangerous or 8GB is small. No swap is certainly not a problem for the temporary purpose of maximizing freespace prior to a system partition shrink operation, unless you’re trying to run a whole fleet of bloated programs during the shrink, which is a terrible idea.

Thanks, I disabled it.

Thanks, I will run CCleaner once more and delete those restore points. I’ll deactivate the swap during resize and re-enable after shrinking.

On the Linux setup, I see no comments, unless that 16Gb might be too big?

And can I delete the windows repair partition safely?



Nice reading! I downloaded the EaseUS Partition Master tool, and this disk is not empty, so I decided to only shrink a bit and move it.