Prefered file content and placement to load blacklisted module:

Hi, I recently desired to setup USB flash drive with F2FS filesystem inside luks container. I was shown that F2FS module is blacklisted, /usr/lib/modprobe.d/60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf and it’s contents are cat 60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf

# The f2fs file system is blacklisted by default because it isn't actively
# supported by SUSE.
blacklist f2fs
# The filesystem can be un-blacklisted by running "modprobe f2fs".
# See in the suse-module-tools package for details.
install f2fs /usr/lib/module-init-tools/unblacklist f2fs; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install f2fs

I created a file 60-unblacklist_fs-f2fs.conf in /etc/modprobe.d containing

# The f2fs file system is blacklisted by default because it isn't actively
# supported by SUSE.
# The filesystem can be un-blacklisted by running "modprobe f2fs".
# See in the suse-module-tools package for details.
install f2fs /usr/lib/module-init-tools/unblacklist f2fs; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install f2fs

then # dracut --regenerate-all --force and powercycled machine. Now

lsmod | grep f2fs
f2fs                  983040  0
  1. Was this the correct way to go about getting the blacklisted module loaded?
  2. Typically would the file /usr/lib/modprobe.d/60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf be removed also?
  3. Inside the file it warns not to edit. I edited the file by removing the prefix blacklist to f2fs. Was this incorrect?
  4. If incorrect, what is correct way?

The reason you better not edit configuration files is that once there is an update touching them, things can easily go wrong.

So I think it is good you did not edit 60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf and create a new 60-unblacklist_fs-f2fs.conf.

What would be nice if you could leave the original and unblacklist the module so that it loaded normally instead of using the commands you added in 60-unblacklist_fs-f2fs.conf. But it looks to me there is no way to undo a blacklist and thinking a bit more that is likely good as that would make finding information even more confusing.

Checking the Internet I found one work-around using a systemd script to load the blacklisted module but I think that that is also confusing.

I see two “better” solutions:

  1. What you did now but keep the original 60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf
  2. What you did but remove the “install f2fs” from 60-unblacklist_fs-f2fs.conf, just a file with the original blacklist command commented out.



Incorrect what? You had two statements, to which statement this question refers?

Have you tried to read the /usr/lib/modprobe.d/60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf? What is not clear in

The filesystem can be un-blacklisted by running "modprobe f2fs"

Neither will remove the blacklist.

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The filesystem can be un-blacklisted by running "modprobe f2fs"

What not clear for me is exactly where to run modprobe f2fs. So that it does not require manually entering modprobe f2fs in konsole or terminal after booting.

  1. How can I access/open to read the in the suse-module-tools package, for more details?

How I am interpriting this as of now is > Replace blacklist f2fs with modprobe f2fs in /usr/lib/modprobe.d/60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf to unblacklist the module.

Sorry, yes and at this time:
Statement 1 is solved by your answer of “no”.
Statement 2 is solved by your answer “no”,
Statement 3 is more clearly understood but not solved.
Statement 4 was my mistake and should never have been typed.




Ok thanks for the link. Passing # modprobe f2fs as link says here > SDB:FilesystemBlacklisting - openSUSE Wiki

No questions are asked after passing # modprobe f2fs as in the example from the link.

As per link > "a file /etc/modprobe.d/60-blacklist_fs-${MODULE}.conf will be created which you can just delete to undo the changes you just made. "

There is no file of that title or closely named at all created in /etc/modprobe.d/ when # modprobe f2fs is passed on either machine here.

One machine retains it’s loading of the module after powercycling it appears. lsmod | grep f2fs
f2fs 983040 0
The other machine reports nothing after # modprobe f2fs is passed then powercycle. When lsmod | grep f2fs is then passed.

Why is this happening?

Ok, on 1 machine just passing # modprobe f2fs powercycling and the module lists as loaded.

On machine 2 I edited the file name to 60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf.bak from default name 60-blacklist_fs-f2fs.conf this is the way I have found for the f2fs module to be reloaded on the machine automatically.

I wonder if a cronjob is out of the question here. Any idea why it persists on one machine and not the other?

Either way thanks for insight on this.

-Greatest Hopes!

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